Seminarium ZHiFK

Seminarium heliofizyczne odbywa się obecnie w poniedziałki o godz. 12:30. Oto plan seminariów:


  • 10.06.2024 — Tomasz MROZEK (ZFS CBK PAN, Wrocław): Stereoscopic Observations of Hard X-Ray Coronal Sources Produced in a Solar Failed Eruption
  • 03.06.2024 — Katarzyna MIKUŁA (ZFS CBK PAN, Wrocław): Energy-altitude relation in the footpoints of solar flares — possible explanations for observing bump 
  • 27.05.2024 — Aaron PEATThe formation and interpretation of complex Mg II h&k line profiles  through 2D multithread prominence modelling
  • 20.05.2024 — Żaneta SZAFORZ (ZFS CBK PAN, Wrocław): BRAXIS — Polish spectrometer for a MIDEX mission
  • 08.04.2024 — Sylwester KOŁOMAŃSKIObservations of auroral activity using ALPS network
  • 11.03.2024 — Marek STĘŚLICKI (ZFS CBK PAN, Wrocław): Coronal streamers and pseudostreamers and the slow coronal wind
  • 04.03.2024 — Robert FALEWICZ: Fizyka rozbłysków: analiza analogii między gwiazdami a Słońcem
  • 15.01.2024 — Paweł PREŚ: Wrocław flare profile, stellar flares observed by TESS and in Białków, and absorption features in the TESS light curve of long-duration flare
  • 08.01.2024 — Arun KUMAR AWASTHI (ZFS CBK PAN, Wrocław)Thermal-nonthermal emission partition during weak flares observed by STIX/Solar Orbiter, STEREO, and SDO missions
  • 18.12.2023 — Szymon GBUREK (ZFS CBK PAN, Wrocław): The end of the Modular Gas Electron Multiplier (MGEM) Project and future perspectives
  • 04.12.2023 — Paweł PREŚ: Numerical properties of the Wroclaw flare profile and estimations of stellar flare temperatures and sizes
  • 20.11.2023 — Urszula BĄK-STĘŚLICKA: Solar cavities observed across the solar cycle
  • 13.11.2023 — Małgorzata PIETRAS: The activity of the nearest stars
  • 23.10.2023 — Kamil BICZ: Starspot and flare activity — differences and similarities between stars with different inner structure
  • 16.10.2023 — Michalina LITWICKA (ZFS CBK PAN, Wrocław):  Statistical analysis of compact flares observed by STIX
  • 09.10.2023 — Karol KUŁAGA: The study of solar microflares observed by the STIX instrument on board the Solar Orbiter interplanetary mission