Seminarium ZHiFK

Seminarium heliofizyczne odbywa się obecnie w poniedziałki o godz. 12:30. Oto plan seminariów:


  • 10.03.2025 — Arun KUMAR AWASTHI (ZFS CBK PAN, Wrocław): Thermal-nonthermal emission partition and energetic electrons during weak solar flares
  • 03.03.2025 — Urszula BĄK-STĘŚLICKA: Coronal cavities as a ASPIICS target
  • 20.01.2025 — Anna KĘPA (ZFS CBK PAN, Wrocław): Multitemperature analysis of solar flares observed on September 30, 2022
  • 13.01.2025 — Paweł PREŚ: Multicolor photometry of chromospheric condensation in stellar flares
  • 16.12.2024 — Tomasz MROZEK (ZFS CBK PAN, Wrocław): Life in the crowded city: more than one flare in the reconstructed STIX image
  • 09.12.2024 — Szymon GBUREK (ZFS CBK PAN, Wrocław): CubeSat compatible Modular GEM Detectors, for Space and Ground Applications with core components made out of LTCC
  • 18.11.2024 — Paweł RUDAWY: A review of the results of solar radio emission observations in bands ranging from 245-15,400 MHz in the RSTN network
  • 04.11.2024 — Kamil BICZ: Analysis of atypical flare eclipses and multi-color flare light curves
  • 21.10.2024 — zebranie ZHiFK
  • 14.10.2024 — Michalina LITWICKA  (ZFS CBK PAN, Wrocław): Investigation of IRIS-STIX solar flares for time-dependent simulations
  • 07.10.2024 — Karol KUŁAGA (ZFS CBK PAN, Wrocław): Investigating STIX Imaging Detectors' Responses to Radioactive Calibration Sources with more precise ELUT corrections