Journal Club - Więcej
Strona 2 z 2
- 22.05.2014 — Katarzyna MIKUŁA : Palimpsests, craters, furrows & Co. The surface of Ganymede
- 22.05.2014 — Michalina GRUBECKA : The worlds with two suns
- 15.05.2014 — Wojciech SZEWCZUK : KOI-3278: A self-lensing binary star system
- 15.05.2014 — Żaneta SZAFORZ : ChemiX — a closer look at the Solar Corona
- 24.04.2014 — Dawid MOŹDZIERSKI : What's inside a black hole?
- 10.04.2014 — Tomasz MROZEK : Closer to the Sun. Exciting future solar missions
- 10.04.2014 — Magdalena GRYCIUK : Superflares. Can it happen on the Sun?
- 27.03.2014 — Andrzej PIGULSKI : BICEP2: a smoking-gun evidence of inflation discovered?
- 27.03.2014 — Jakub OSTROWSKI: Gravitational waves: a brief introduction
- 20.03.2014 — Ewa CHMIELEWSKA : An experimental evidence for solar influence on nuclear decay rates
- 20.03.2014 — Michalina GRUBECKA : Mysterious light: how does aurora work?
- 13.03.2014 — Przemysław BRUŚ : Distribution of massive young stars in the context of the shape of our Galaxy
- 13.03.2014 — Katarzyna MIKUŁA : Exploring icy worlds: The JUICE mission
- 14.01.2014 — Wojciech SZEWCZUK : e-LISA — the gravitational Universe
- 14.01.2014 — Magdalena GRYCIUK : "Lem" in space
- 03.12.2013 — Paweł PREŚ : A farmer's view on avoiding collisions
- 03.12.2013 — Dawid MOŹDZIERSKI : Comets - how they dazzle us?
- 12.11.2013 — Andrzej PIGULSKI : Chelyabinsk fireball: new results
- 12.11.2013 — Jakub OSTROWSKI : The historical supernovae
- 29.10.2013 — Żaneta SZAFORZ : SUNRISE — balloon-borne telescopes for solar research
- 29.10.2013 — Ewa CHMIELEWSKA : Do solar variability and cosmic rays have an influence on the changes in Earth's climate? Cosmoclimatology — the facts and the myths
- 11.04.2013 — Wojciech PYCH (CAMK PAN, Warszawa) : SALT and spectroscopy
- 04.04.2013 — Michał HERLENDER : Tidal disruption of a super-Jupiter by a massive black hole
- 14.03.2013 — Żaneta SZAFORZ : Curiosity: mission to Mars
- 14.03.2013 — Jakub OSTROWSKI : Helium flash revisited
- 17.01.2013 — Ewa CHMIELEWSKA : The European Space Agency — Europe's gateway to space
- 28.11.2012 — Ewa ZAHAJKIEWICZ : Two possible black holes in M22
- 14.11.2012 — Dominik DROBEK : Observations of pair-instability supernovae
- 24.05.2012 — Michał POTĘPA : Fire — breathing Dragon can fly!
- 17.05.2012 — Szymon GBUREK (ZFS CBK PAN, Wrocław) : Quest for dark matter
- 17.05.2012 — Magdalena GRYCIUK (ZFS CBK PAN, Wrocław) : Airglow phenomena
- 26.04.2012 — Ewa CHMIELEWSKA : News from Europa
- 12.04.2012 — Jakub OSTROWSKI : The new RR-Lyrae-like variable star
- 29.03.2012 — Oksana SAHAN (Uniwersytet Lwowski, Ukraina) : Modelling of the gas and dust density distribution in planetary nebulae envelopes
- 29.03.2012 — Mykhailo MOZGHAL (Uniwersytet Lwowski, Ukraina) : The problems of the chemical abundances determination in nebular objects
- 29.03.2012 — Kenneth J.H. PHILLIPS (MSSL, University College, Londyn, Wlk. Brytania) : C. W. Allen: an appreciation
- 15.03.2012 — Wojciech SZEWCZUK : Light echoes of η Carinae from the 1838-1858 Great Eruption
- 15.03.2012 — Dawid MOŹDZIERSKI : Sun's origin or Galactic archeology
- 19.01.2012 — Paweł PREŚ : Feeding the Monster
- 19.01.2012 — Michał KAMIONKA : Mars Science Laboratory
- 08.12.2011 — Maciej ZAPIÓR : Multiple fall of Přibram meteorites
- 08.12.2011 — Przemysław WALCZAK : News from Messenger
- 24.11.2011 — Michał HERLENDER : A Pluto-like radius and a high albedo for the dwarf planet Eris from an occultation
- 24.11.2011 — Dominik DROBEK : The CNGS experiment: can neutrinos travel faster than light?
- 10.11.2011 — Ewa ZAHAJKIEWICZ : The farthest objects ever seen
- 10.11.2011 — Andrzej PIGULSKI : The Nobel prize in physics AD 2011
- 03.06.2011 — Ewa ZAHAJKIEWICZ : Working hypotheses on Hanny's Voorwerp
- 03.06.2011 — Piotr ŚRÓDKA : Ring galaxies
- 29.04.2011 — Dawid MOŹDZIERSKI : Celestial Archimedean spiral
- 08.04.2011 — Wojciech SZEWCZUK : Constraints on planet X/Nemesis from Solar System's inner dynamics
- 01.04.2011 — Kenneth J.H. PHILLIPS (MSSL, University College, Londyn, Wlk. Brytania) : Copernicus's contribution to science
- 01.04.2011 — Dominik DROBEK : CFBDSIR J1458+1013B: the coolest brown dwarf
- 11.03.2011 — Aleksandra MAJEWSKA : Hugh Everett III and his many-world theory
- 21.01.2011 — Tomasz MROZEK : Terrestal γ-ray flashes
- 21.01.2011 — Ewa CHMIELEWSKA : Methane and other candidate biomaker gasses and related intedisciplinary studies on Earth and Mars
- 14.01.2011 — Marek STĘŚLICKI : Did arsenic-loving bacteria really love arsenic?
- 03.12.2010 — Michał KAMIONKA : A new hope of astrobiology — extrasolar planetary system Gliese 581
- 03.12.2010 — Przemysław WALCZAK : General relativity in experiments — astronomical observations
- 05.11.2010 — Andrzej PIGULSKI : Remnants of terrestrial planetary systems at white dwarfs
- 05.11.2010 — Michał HERLENDER : Astronomy of extremely high energies
- 29.10.2010 — Paweł PREŚ : Paleoactivity of the Sun
- 29.10.2010 — Maciej ZAPIÓR : Missions to libration points
- 18.06.2010 — Paweł PREŚ : Biotic processes on Titan
- 18.06.2010 — Wojciech SZEWCZUK : The James Webb Space Telescope
- 14.05.2010 — Michał HERLENDER : Prospects for Radio Astronomy
- 14.05.2010 — Robert FALEWICZ : Solar Dynamics Observatory
- 23.04.2010 — Michał KAMIONKA : Future crewed mission to Mars
- 23.04.2010 — Szymon GBUREK (ZFS CBK PAN, Wrocław) : Are we alone? How to answer the question?
- 26.03.2010 — Przemysław WALCZAK : General relativity in experiments
- 26.03.2010 — Ewa NIEMCZURA : Gaia — unravelling the chemical and dynamical history of our Galaxy
- 12.03.2010 — Maciej ZAPIÓR : Capturing of time
- 29.01.2010 — Grzegorz KOPACKI : Origin of Zodiac
- 29.01.2010 — Dominik DROBEK : Fifth anniversary of SGR 1806-20 blast
- 08.01.2010 — Andrzej PIGULSKI : In the search for the first stars and galaxies
- 27.11.2009 — Wojciech KUŚNIERZ : Black stars
- 27.11.2009 — Aleksandra MAJEWSKA : Lunar secret is being revealed: water found on the Moon
- 10.06.2009 — Maciej ZAPIÓR : Resonances in the Solar System
- 10.06.2009 — Przemysław WALCZAK : The Hubble greatest hits
- 27.05.2009 — Sylwester KOŁOMAŃSKI : News from Projekty Izerskie: The sundial in Orle began to measure time
- 27.05.2009 — Michał KAMIONKA : Astronomical connections of famous prehistorical and ancient buildings
- 29.04.2009 — Szymon GBUREK (ZFS CBK PAN, Wrocław) : Cosmic tourism
- 29.04.2009 — Michał HERLENDER : 3D coronal slow modes: towards 3D seismology
- 15.04.2009 — Sylwester KOŁOMAŃSKI : Eyes on the skies (a movie)
- 25.03.2009 — Wojciech KUŚNIERZ : Military roots of space research
- 25.03.2009 — Barbara SYLWESTER (ZFS CBK PAN, Wrocław) : Our lazy Sun
- 20.02.2009 — Kenneth J.H. PHILLIPS (UCL-Mullard Space Science Lab., Wlk. Brytania) : Unexpected astronomers
- 13.02.2009 — Aleksandra MAJEWSKA : Ice on the Moon? Debate resumes
- 13.02.2009 — Tomasz MROZEK : With astronomy into a forest
- 27.11.2008 — Paweł PREŚ : Forgotten Silesian astronomer
- 27.11.2008 — Dominik DROBEK : Hubble reloaded: the Space Telescope back on line
- 06.11.2008 — Janusz SYLWESTER (ZFS CBK PAN, Wrocław) : Wrocław instrument again in space this December
- 18.04.2008 — Maciej ZAPIÓR : Science - art connections
- 18.04.2008 — Joanna MOLENDA-ŻAKOWICZ : Extreme life and life at the extreme
- 01.02.2008 — Wojciech KUŚNIERZ : Universe, the new opening?
- 01.02.2008 — Andrzej PIGULSKI : White dwarfs with carbon atmospheres: a new challenge to stellar evolution
- 14.12.2007 — Grzegorz KOPACKI : Starry southern sky
- 14.12.2007 — Paweł PREŚ : Planetary system of 51 Pegasi
- 12.10.2007 — Jadwiga DASZYŃSKA-DASZKIEWICZ : An exoplanet that orbits the blue subdwarf star V391 Pegasi
- 12.10.2007 — Marek STĘŚLICKI : Solar gravity mode oscillations
- 02.02.2007 — Szymon GBUREK (ZFS CBK PAN, Wrocław) : Solitary waves
- 12.01.2007 — Grzegorz KOPACKI : Astronomical alignments in Stonehenge
- 08.12.2006 — Paweł PREŚ : The Antekithera mechanism. What was it for?
- 10.11.2006 — Joanna MOLENDA-ŻAKOWICZ : 1000 sols with Spirit
- 20.10.2006 — Andrzej PIGULSKI : 2006 Nobel prize in physics goes to astrophysicists
- 09.06.2006 — Sylwester KOŁOMAŃSKI : The night sky in the world: the first world atlas of the light pollution
- 09.06.2006 — Janusz SYLWESTER (ZFS CBK PAN, Wrocław) : Is space weather posing real threats?
- 28.04.2006 — Paweł PREŚ : Turecka wyprawa na zaćmienie Słońca 29 marca 2006
- 28.04.2006 — Barbara SYLWESTER (ZFS CBK PAN, Wrocław) : The solar neutrino problem
- 07.04.2006 — Paweł RUDAWY : Monthy Pyton na pustyni
- 07.04.2006 — Jerzy JAKIMIEC : Trying to understand achievements of modern cosmology
- 24.03.2006 — Ryszarda GETKO : Wavelet analysis
- 03.03.2006 — Urszula BĄK-STĘŚLICKA : Discovery of a new type of star
- 03.03.2006 — Szymon GBUREK (ZFS CBK PAN, Wrocław) : Space Elevator
- 10.02.2006 — Marek STĘŚLICKI : Anomalous acceleration of Pioneer 10 and 11
- 10.02.2006 — Tomasz MROZEK : Discovery of Earth-like planet through gravitational microlensing
- 07.01.2006 — Grzegorz KOPACKI : The oldest sky map
- 07.01.2006 — Paweł PREŚ : News from Saturn
- 18.11.2005 — Andrzej PIGULSKI : Two new Pluto's moons
- 18.11.2005 — Ewa NIEMCZURA : Cosmic infrared background and early stellar populations
- 28.10.2005 — Jadwiga DASZYŃSKA-DASZKIEWICZ : 10th planet has a moon
- 28.10.2005 — Joanna MOLENDA-ŻAKOWICZ : Solution for the solar model problem
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