Publikacje w roku 1999
ID | Autorzy — Źródło — Tytuł |
Berlicki A., Falewicz R., Rudawy P. ESA SP-448, 759-763 (Proceedings of the 9th European Meeting on Solar Physics, Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes,12-18 września 1999, Florencja, Włochy. ed. A.Wilson) [strona CDS] Hα spectral and X-ray observations of the solar flare on 2 May 1998 |
Bumba V., Klvaňa M., Rompolt B., Rudawy P. Joint Organization for Solar Observations (JOSO) Annual Report 1998, 190-192 (Proceedings of the conference in Tatranská Lomnica, Słowacja, ed. A.Antalová, H.Balthasar, A.Kučera) Photospheric line-of-sight velocity field under quiet Hα filaments |
Deng Y.Y., Schmieder B., Mandrini C.H., Khan J.I., Démoulin P., Rudawy P. Astronomy & Astrophysics 349, 927-940 [strona CDS] The evolution from birth to decay of a short-lived active region |
Dermendjiev V.N., Detchev M.T., Petrov N.I., Rompolt B. Joint Organization for Solar Observations (JOSO) Annual Report 1998, 122-123 (Proceedings of the conference in Tatranská Lomnica, Słowacja, ed. A.Antalová, H.Balthasar, A.Kučera) Structure, internal motion and oscillation of a quiescent prominence |
Detchev M.T., Dermendjiev V.N., Petrov N.I., Rompolt B. ESA SP-448, 485-489 (Proceedings of the 9th European Meeting on Solar Physics, Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes,12-18 września 1999, Florencja, Włochy. ed. A.Wilson) [strona CDS] Hα spectral and X-ray observations of the solar flare on 2 May 1998 |
Dziembowski W.A., Jerzykiewicz M. Astronomy & Astrophysics 341, 480-486 [strona CDS] Asteroseismology of β Cephei stars. II. 12 (DD) Lacertae |
Falewicz R., Mandrini C., Rudawy P., Siarkowski M. ESA SP-448, 785-790 (Proceedings of the 9th European Meeting on Solar Physics, Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes,12-18 września 1999, Florencja, Włochy. ed. A.Wilson) [strona CDS] Analysis of magnetic fields and hard X-ray on the active region NOAA 8088 |
Falewicz R., Rudawy P. Astronomy & Astrophysics 344, 981-990 [strona CDS] X-type interactions of loops in the flare of 25 September 1997 |
Gallagher P.T., Keenan F.P., Phillips K.J.H., Preś P., Harra-Murnion L.K. A.S.P. Conference Series 183, 405-411 (19th NSO/SP International Workshop on High Resolution Solar Physics: Theory, Observations, and Techniques, Sunspot, NM, USA, 28 września - 2 października 1998, ed. T.R.Rimmele, K.S.Balasubramaniam, R.R.Radick) [strona CDS] Quiet Sun bright points dynamics and energetics as seen by SOHO and Yohkoh |
Gallagher P.T., Keenan F.P., Phillips K.J.H., Read P.D., Rudawy P., Rompolt B. Irish Astronomical Journal 26, 115-118 [strona CDS] SECIS: the Solar Eclipse Coronal Imaging System |
Jakimiec J. ESA SP-448, 729-733 (Proceedings of the 9th European Meeting on Solar Physics, Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes,12-18 września 1999, Florencja, Włochy. ed. A.Wilson) [strona CDS] Turbulent energy release in solar flares |
Jakimiec J. JOSO Annual Report 1998, 164-165 Search for magnetic structures suitable for turbulence development |
Jakimiec M., Antalová A., Storini M. Solar Physics 189, 373-386 [DOI] Cosmic-ray intensity versus solar soft X-ray background in cross-correlation analysis |
Jarzębowski T. Urania - Postępy Astronomii 70 (2/99, 680), 62-67 [strona U-PA] Magnetary - ultramagnetyczne gwiazdy neutronowe |
Jerzykiewicz M. New Astronomy Reviews 43, 455-460 (abstrakt w Highlights of Astronomy 11, 347, 1998) [DOI] Long-term period and amplitude variations in β Cephei stars |
Jerzykiewicz M., Pigulski A. New Astronomy Reviews 43, 461-462 (abstrakt w Highlights of Astronomy 11, 348, 1998) [DOI] Long-term variations in the β Cephei stars 16 (EN) Lac and ν Eri |
Jerzykiewicz M., Pigulski A. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 310, 804-810 [DOI] The long-term behaviour of the pulsation periods and amplitudes of the β Cephei star 16 (EN) Lacertae |
Kotrč P., Karlický M., Kupryakov Y.A., Kaltman T.I., Kašparová J., Rompolt B. ESA SP-448, 841-845 (Proceedings of the 9th European Meeting on Solar Physics, Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes,12-18 września 1999, Florencja, Włochy. ed. A.Wilson) [strona CDS] Physical characteristics of the September 23, 1998 solar flare |
Krzesiński J., Pigulski A., Kołaczkowski Z. Astronomy & Astrophysics 345, 505-513 [strona CDS] B-type pulsators in the central region of NGC 869 (h Persei) |
Mandrini C.H., Démoulin P. Schmieder B., Deng Y.Y., Rudawy P. ESA SP-448, 617-622 (Proceedings of the 9th European Meeting on Solar Physics, Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes,12-18 września 1999, Florencja, Włochy. ed. A.Wilson) [strona CDS] Interpretation of the activity due to flux emergence in an AR |
Mandrini C.H., Deng Y.Y., Schmieder B., Démoulin P., Rudawy P., Nitta N., Newmark J., de Forest C. A.S.P. Conference Series 184, 276-280 (3rd Advances in Solar Physics Euroconference: Magnetic Fields and Oscillations, Potsdam/Caputh, Niemcy, 22 - 28 września 1998, eds. B.Schmieder, A.Hofmann, J.Staude) [strona CDS] Magnetic field evolution and topology of an AR |
Opolski A. Urania - Postępy Astronomii 70 (1/99, 679), 4-7 [strona U-PA] Okresy gwiazdowych obiegów w "De Revolutionibus" |
Opolski A. Urania - Postępy Astronomii 70 (3/99, 681), 111-114 [strona U-PA] Ekscentryczna orbita Ziemi w układzie planetarnym Kopernika |
Opolski A. Urania - Postępy Astronomii 70 (4/99, 682), 156-160 [strona U-PA] Orbity planet górnych w heliocentrycznym układzie planetarnym Kopernika |
Opolski A. Urania - Postępy Astronomii 70 (5/99, 683), 200-205 [strona U-PA] Orbity planet dolnych w heliocentrycznym układzie planetarnym Kopernika |
Preś P. A.S.P. Conference Series 158, 239-242 (International meeting dedicated to Brendan Byrne: Solar and Stellar Activity: Similarities and Differences, Armagh, Irlandia Płn., 2-4 września 1998, eds. C.J.Butler, J.G.Doyle) [strona CDS] On the use of the rise phase in estimating flare dimensions |
Preś P., Phillips K.J.H. The Astrophysical Journal 510, L73-L76 [DOI] [arXiv] The magnetic association of coronal bright points |
Preś P., Phillips K.J.H. A.S.P. Conference Series 158, 380-382 (International meeting dedicated to Brendan Byrne: Solar and Stellar Activity: Similarities and Differences, Armagh, Irlandia Płn., 2-4 września 1998, eds. C.J.Butler, J.G.Doyle) [strona CDS] Coronal bright points and magnetic field association |
Rompolt B., Falewicz R., Garczyńska I., Magun A. JOSO Annual Report 1998, 180-181 Explosion in a loop on October 11, 1990 |
Rudawy P., Falewicz R. A.S.P. Conference Series 184, 281-285 (3rd Advances in Solar Physics Euroconference: Magnetic Fields and Oscillations, Potsdam/Caputh, Niemcy, 22 - 28 września 1998, eds. B.Schmieder, A.Hofmann, J.Staude) [strona CDS] Interactions of magnetic loops in the active region NOAA 8088 |
Rudawy P., Rompolt B. ESA SP-448, 445-450 (Proceedings of the 9th European Meeting on Solar Physics, Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes,12-18 września 1999, Florencja, Włochy. ed. A.Wilson) [strona CDS] Hα spectral observations of bright rim underlying a quiescent prominence on 10 June 1998 |
Rudawy P., Rompolt B., Falewicz R. JOSO Annual Report 1998, 182-183 Analysis of besom-like ejections observed on June 9, 1998 during the MEDOC campaign |
Rudawy P., van Driel-Gesztelyi L., Cader-Sroka B., Mein P., Mein N., Schmieder B., Malherbe J.-M., Rompolt B. Astronomy & Astrophysics Supplement Series 139, 89-96 [DOI] Analysis of evolution of NOAA 7912 active region on 19 October 1995 |
Schmieder B., Heinzel P., Vial J.-C., Malherbe J.-M., Mein P., Rudawy P., Ceppatelli G. A.S.P. Conference Series 184, 296-301 (3rd Advances in Solar Physics Euroconference: Magnetic Fields and Oscillations, Potsdam/Caputh, Niemcy, 22 - 28 września 1998, eds. B.Schmieder, A.Hofmann, J.Staude) [strona CDS] Coordinated prominence observations by SOHO and ground-based observatories |
Schmieder B., Heinzel P., Vial J.-C., Rudawy P. Solar Physics 189, 109-127 [DOI] SOHO/SUMER observations and analysis of hydrogen Lyman lines in a quiescent prominence |
Storini M., Jakimiec M., Antalová A., Sýkora J. Proceedings of the 26th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Vol. 7, G151-G154, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 17-25 sierpnia 1999, eds. D. Kieda, M. Salamon, B. Dingus [strona CDS] Cosmic ray modulation versus corona variability during the maximum phase of the 11-year cycle |
Tomczak M. Astronomy & Astrophysics 342, 583-591 [strona CDS] Yohkoh observations of the Neupert effect |