Publikacje w roku 1988

ID Autorzy — Źródło — Tytuł
Cugier H., De Greve J.P.
Lecture Notes in Physics 305, 221-222 (Proc. IAU Coll. 108: Atmospheric Diagnostics of Stellar Evolution. Chemical Peculiarity, Mass Loss, and Explosion, Tokio, Japonia, 1-4 września 1987, ed. K.Nomoto) [DOI]
Carbon abundance in mass-exchanging binaries
Cugier H., Hardorp J.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 197, 163-181 [strona ADS]
Analysis of C II resonance lines in some main sequence early-type stars
Cugier H., Hardorp J.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 202, 101-108 [strona ADS]
Carbon abundance in β Persei and λ Tauri
Dąbrowski M., Stelmach J.
NATO ASI Series (Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences), vol. 248, 373-382 Gauge theory and the early universe, eds. P.Galeotti, D.N.Schramm [DOI]
Relations between astronomical parameters for the Universe with cosmological constant and radiation pressure
Harrison R.A., Rompolt B., Garczyńska I.
Solar Physics 116, 61-82 [DOI]
X-ray emission associated with solar prominences, sprays and surges
Jackson B.V., Rompolt B., Švestka Z.
Solar Physics 115, 327-343 [DOI]
Solar and interplanetary observations of the mass ejection on 7 May, 1979
Jakimiec J.
Space Science Reviews 47, 208 [strona ADS]
Book review: Jager, Z.Švestka: Progress in Solar Physics
Jakimiec J., Preś P., Fludra A., Bentley R.D., Lemen J.R.
Advances in Space Research 8, 231-239 (Proc. of 27th COSPAR, IAU, and SCOSTEP plenary meeting, Topical Meeting on Solar Physics in the 1990s, Espoo, Finlandia, 18-29 lipca 1988) [DOI]
Intercomparison of flare observations with two SMM spectrometers: BCS and HXIS
Jakimiec M., Wanke-Jakubowska M.
Acta Astronomica 38, 431-442 [strona ADS]
Problem of short term prediction of solar flare activity. IV. Overestimations in solar flare activity predictions
Jerzykiewicz M., Sterken C.
Proc. IAU Symposium 123, 273-276, Advances in Helio- and Asteroseismology, Aarhus, Dania, 7-11 lipca 1986, eds. J.Christensen-Dalsgaard, S.Frandsen) [strona ADS]
The radius and the pulsation constant of the primary of Spica
Jerzykiewicz M., Sterken C.
Proc. of a workshop Multimode Stellar Pulsations, 19 (Budapest, Węgry, 1-3 września 1987, eds. G.Kovács, L.Szabados, B.Szeidl), str. 19
New observations of the double-mode Cepheids AP Vel and BK Cen
Jerzykiewicz M., Sterken C., Kubiak M.
Astronomy & Astrophysics Supplement Series 72, 449-462 [strona ADS]
The variability of δ Ceti
Jurczyszyn L., Byrka R.
Solid State Communications 68, 197-200 [DOI]
Image states at (001) surface of the model FCC crystal
Lemen J.R., Fludra A., Jakimiec J.
Advances in Space Research 8, 161-166 (Proc. of 27th COSPAR, IAU, and SCOSTEP plenary meeting, Topical Meeting on Solar Physics in the 1990s, Espoo, Finlandia, 18-29 lipca 1988) [DOI]
Investigations of turbulent and directed motions in solar flares
Mergentaler J.
Urania 59 (11/1988, 562), 337-339 [archiwum Uranii]
KRONIKA: Statystyka aktywności słonecznej
Musielok B., Madej J.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 202, 143-152 [strona ADS]
Variability of Balmer lines in Ap stars
Musielok B., Madej J.
Proc. of an international meeting: Physics and Evolution of Stars (Nizny Arkhyz, ZSRR, 12-17 października 1987, ed. Yu.V.Glagolevsky), str. 184
Phase variations of the β index in Ap stars
Opolski A.
Acta Astronomica 38, 375-399 [strona ADS]
Classical Cepheids: their distances and space distribution
Opolski A.
Postępy Astronomii 36 (4/1998), 215-231 [archiwum PA]
Odległości w układzie planetarnym Kopernika. Na podstawie "Mathematical astronomy in Copernicus's 'De Revolutionibus' ", Swerdlow, Neugebauer
Pigulski A., Jerzykiewicz M.
Acta Astronomica 38, 401-413 [strona ADS]
The eclipse of 16 Lacertae revisited
Rompolt B.
Proc. of a conference, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Hiszpania
Formation and eruption of quiescent prominences
Rudawy P.
Urania 59 (12/1988, 563), 364-370 [archiwum Uranii]
Okular słoneczny
Schöneich W., Zelvanova E.I., Musielok B.
Proc. of an international meeting: Physics and Evolution of Stars (Nizny Arkhyz, ZSRR, 12-17 października 1987, ed. Yu.V.Glagolevsky), str. 193
The light variability of the magnetic Ap star 52 Herculis (HD 152107)
Sterken C., Jerzykiewicz M.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 235, 565–572 [DOI]
A search for β Cephei variable stars in the Magellanic Clouds: motivation and first results for the LMC
Sylwester B., Sylwester J., Jakimiec J.
Journal de Physique Suppl. 49, C1-309 - C1-314 (Proc. of 102nd Colloquium on UV and X-ray Spectroscopy of Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas, Beaulieu-sur-Mer, Francja, 9-11 września 1987, eds. F.Bely-Dubau, P.Faucher)
Results of the LEBAN diagnostic procedure applied to two SMM-observed flares
Tomczak M., Jakimiec J.
Postępy Astronomii 36 (2/1998), 115-120 [archiwum PA]
Z PRACOWNI I OBSERWATORIÓW: Badanie efektywności przekazywania energii w rozbłyskach słonecznych