Publikacje w roku 1988
ID | Autorzy — Źródło — Tytuł |
Cugier H., De Greve J.P. Lecture Notes in Physics 305, 221-222 (Proc. IAU Coll. 108: Atmospheric Diagnostics of Stellar Evolution. Chemical Peculiarity, Mass Loss, and Explosion, Tokio, Japonia, 1-4 września 1987, ed. K.Nomoto) [DOI] Carbon abundance in mass-exchanging binaries |
Cugier H., Hardorp J. Astronomy & Astrophysics 197, 163-181 [strona ADS] Analysis of C II resonance lines in some main sequence early-type stars |
Cugier H., Hardorp J. Astronomy & Astrophysics 202, 101-108 [strona ADS] Carbon abundance in β Persei and λ Tauri |
Dąbrowski M., Stelmach J. NATO ASI Series (Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences), vol. 248, 373-382 Gauge theory and the early universe, eds. P.Galeotti, D.N.Schramm [DOI] Relations between astronomical parameters for the Universe with cosmological constant and radiation pressure |
Harrison R.A., Rompolt B., Garczyńska I. Solar Physics 116, 61-82 [DOI] X-ray emission associated with solar prominences, sprays and surges |
Jackson B.V., Rompolt B., Švestka Z. Solar Physics 115, 327-343 [DOI] Solar and interplanetary observations of the mass ejection on 7 May, 1979 |
Jakimiec J. Space Science Reviews 47, 208 [strona ADS] Book review: Jager, Z.Švestka: Progress in Solar Physics |
Jakimiec J., Preś P., Fludra A., Bentley R.D., Lemen J.R. Advances in Space Research 8, 231-239 (Proc. of 27th COSPAR, IAU, and SCOSTEP plenary meeting, Topical Meeting on Solar Physics in the 1990s, Espoo, Finlandia, 18-29 lipca 1988) [DOI] Intercomparison of flare observations with two SMM spectrometers: BCS and HXIS |
Jakimiec M., Wanke-Jakubowska M. Acta Astronomica 38, 431-442 [strona ADS] Problem of short term prediction of solar flare activity. IV. Overestimations in solar flare activity predictions |
Jerzykiewicz M., Sterken C. Proc. IAU Symposium 123, 273-276, Advances in Helio- and Asteroseismology, Aarhus, Dania, 7-11 lipca 1986, eds. J.Christensen-Dalsgaard, S.Frandsen) [strona ADS] The radius and the pulsation constant of the primary of Spica |
Jerzykiewicz M., Sterken C. Proc. of a workshop Multimode Stellar Pulsations, 19 (Budapest, Węgry, 1-3 września 1987, eds. G.Kovács, L.Szabados, B.Szeidl), str. 19 New observations of the double-mode Cepheids AP Vel and BK Cen |
Jerzykiewicz M., Sterken C., Kubiak M. Astronomy & Astrophysics Supplement Series 72, 449-462 [strona ADS] The variability of δ Ceti |
Jurczyszyn L., Byrka R. Solid State Communications 68, 197-200 [DOI] Image states at (001) surface of the model FCC crystal |
Lemen J.R., Fludra A., Jakimiec J. Advances in Space Research 8, 161-166 (Proc. of 27th COSPAR, IAU, and SCOSTEP plenary meeting, Topical Meeting on Solar Physics in the 1990s, Espoo, Finlandia, 18-29 lipca 1988) [DOI] Investigations of turbulent and directed motions in solar flares |
Mergentaler J. Urania 59 (11/1988, 562), 337-339 [archiwum Uranii] KRONIKA: Statystyka aktywności słonecznej |
Musielok B., Madej J. Astronomy & Astrophysics 202, 143-152 [strona ADS] Variability of Balmer lines in Ap stars |
Musielok B., Madej J. Proc. of an international meeting: Physics and Evolution of Stars (Nizny Arkhyz, ZSRR, 12-17 października 1987, ed. Yu.V.Glagolevsky), str. 184 Phase variations of the β index in Ap stars |
Opolski A. Acta Astronomica 38, 375-399 [strona ADS] Classical Cepheids: their distances and space distribution |
Opolski A. Postępy Astronomii 36 (4/1998), 215-231 [archiwum PA] Odległości w układzie planetarnym Kopernika. Na podstawie "Mathematical astronomy in Copernicus's 'De Revolutionibus' ", Swerdlow, Neugebauer |
Pigulski A., Jerzykiewicz M. Acta Astronomica 38, 401-413 [strona ADS] The eclipse of 16 Lacertae revisited |
Rompolt B. Proc. of a conference, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Hiszpania Formation and eruption of quiescent prominences |
Rudawy P. Urania 59 (12/1988, 563), 364-370 [archiwum Uranii] Okular słoneczny |
Schöneich W., Zelvanova E.I., Musielok B. Proc. of an international meeting: Physics and Evolution of Stars (Nizny Arkhyz, ZSRR, 12-17 października 1987, ed. Yu.V.Glagolevsky), str. 193 The light variability of the magnetic Ap star 52 Herculis (HD 152107) |
Sterken C., Jerzykiewicz M. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 235, 565–572 [DOI] A search for β Cephei variable stars in the Magellanic Clouds: motivation and first results for the LMC |
Sylwester B., Sylwester J., Jakimiec J. Journal de Physique Suppl. 49, C1-309 - C1-314 (Proc. of 102nd Colloquium on UV and X-ray Spectroscopy of Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas, Beaulieu-sur-Mer, Francja, 9-11 września 1987, eds. F.Bely-Dubau, P.Faucher) Results of the LEBAN diagnostic procedure applied to two SMM-observed flares |
Tomczak M., Jakimiec J. Postępy Astronomii 36 (2/1998), 115-120 [archiwum PA] Z PRACOWNI I OBSERWATORIÓW: Badanie efektywności przekazywania energii w rozbłyskach słonecznych |