Publikacje w roku 2010
ID | Autorzy — Źródło — Tytuł |
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Ambróz J., Radziszewski K., Rudawy P., Rybák J., Phillips K.J.H. Contr. Astron. Obs. Skalnaté Pleso 40, 5-18 [CDS] [arXiv] The SECIS instrument on the Lomnický Peak Observatory |
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Bąk-Stęślicka U., Mrozek T., Kołomański S. Central European Astrophysical Bulletin 34, 73-80 [CDS] Energy release during slow long duration flares |
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Benkő J.M., Kolenberg K., Szabó R., Kurtz D.W., Bryson S., Bregman J., Still M., Smolec R., Nuspl J., Nemec J.M., Moskalik P., Kopacki G., Kolláth Z., Guggenberger E., Di Criscienzo M., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Kjeldsen H., Borucki W.J., Koch D., Jenkins J.M., Van Cleve J.E. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 409, 1585-1593 [DOI] [arXiv] Flavours of variability: 29 RR Lyrae stars observed with Kepler |
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Berlicki A., Heinzel P., Avrett E.H. Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana 81, 646-652 (Proc. of the workshop Chromospheric Structure and Dynamics: From Old Wisdom to New Insights, Sacramento Peak Obs., Sunspot, New Mexico, USA, 31 sierpnia - 4 września 2009, ed. A.Tritschler, K.Reardon, H.Uitenbrock) [CDS] Photometric analysis of Ellerman bombs |
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Catanzaro G., Frasca A., Molenda-Żakowicz J., Marilli E. Astronomy & Astrophysics 517, A3, 1-9 [DOI] [arXiv] Characterization of Kepler early-type targets |
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Chaplin W.J., Appourchaux T., Elsworth Y., García R.A., Houdek G., Karoff C., Metcalfe T.S., Molenda-Żakowicz J., Monteiro M.J.P.F.G., Thompson M.J., Brown T.M., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Gilliland R.L., Kjeldsen H., Borucki W.J., Koch D., Jenkins J.M., Ballot J., Basu S., Bazot M., Bedding T.R., Benomar O., Bonanno A., Brandão I.M., Bruntt H., Campante T.L., Creevey O.L., Di Mauro M.P., Doǧan G., Dreizler S., Eggenberger P., Esch L., Fletcher S.T., Frandsen S., Gai N., Gaulme P., Handberg R., Hekker S., Howe R., Huber D., Korzennik S.G., Lebrun J.C., Leccia S., Martic M., Mathur S., Mosser B., New R., Quirion P.-O., Régulo C., Roxburgh I.W., Salabert D., Schou J., Sousa S.G., Stello D., Verner G.A., Arentoft T., Barban C., Belkacem K., Benatti S., Biazzo K., Boumier P., Bradley P.A., Broomhall A.-M., Buzasi D.L., Claudi R.U., Cunha M.S., D’Antona F., Deheuvels S., Derekas A., García Hernández A., Giampapa M.S., Goupil M.-J., Gruberbauer M., Guzik J.A., Hale S.J., Ireland M.J., Kiss L.L., Kitiashvili I.N., Kolenberg K., Korhonen H., Kosovichev A.G., Kupka F., Lebreton Y., Leroy B., Ludwig H.-G., Mathis S., Michel E., Miglio A., Montalbán J., Moya A., Noels A., Noyes R.W., Pallé P.L., Piau L., Preston H.L., Roca Cortés T., Roth M., Sato K.H., Schmitt J., Serenelli A.M., Silva Aguirre V., Stevens I.R., Suárez J.C., Suran M.D., Trampedach R., Turck-Chièze S., Uytterhoeven K., Ventura R. The Astrophysical Journal 713, L169-L175 [DOI] [arXiv] The asteroseismic potential of Kepler: first results for solar-type stars |
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Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz J., Walczak P. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 403, 496-505 [DOI] [arXiv] Complex asteroseismology of the β Cep/slowly pulsating B-type pulsator ν Eridani: constraints on opacities |
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Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz J., Walczak P. Astrophysics & Space Science 328, 97-100 (Proc. of the HELAS conference Synergies in Solar and Stellar Modelling, Rzym, 22-26 czerwca 2009, ed. M.Marconi, D.Cardini, M.P.Di Mauro) [DOI] [arXiv] A complex asteroseismic study of the hybrid B-type pulsator ν Eridani |
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Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz J., Walczak P. Highlights of Astronomy 15, 364-365 (Proc. 27th IAU General Assembly, JD 11, New Advances in Helio- and Astero-seismology, 10-11 sierpnia 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazylia) [DOI] [arXiv] Complex asteroseismology of the B-type main-sequence pulsators |
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Degroote P., Aerts C., Baglin A., Miglio A., Briquet M., Noels A., Niemczura E., Montalbán J., Bloemen S., Oreiro R., Vučković M., Smolders K., Auvergne M., Baudin F., Catala C., Michel E. Nature 464, 259-261 [DOI] Deviations from a uniform period spacing of gravity modes in a massive star |
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Drobek D., Pigulski A., Shobbrook R.R., Narwid A. Astronomische Nachrichten 331 (9/10), 1077-1079, (Proc. 4th HELAS International Conference Seismological Challenges for Stellar Structure, Arecife, Lanzarote, W-y Kanaryjskie, Hiszpania, 1-5 lutego 2010, eds. T.Roca Cortés, P.Pallé, S.Jiménez Reyes) [DOI] [arXiv] Photometric study of two β Cephei pulsators in eclipsing systems |
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Duchlev P., Dechev M., Koleva K., Kokotanekova J., Rompolt B., Rudawy P. Bulgarian Astronomical Journal 13, 69-81 [strona BAS] Kinetics of the post-eruptive phase of an eruptive prominence on 8 May, 1979 |
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Duchlev P., Koleva K., Dechev M., Petrov N., Rompolt B., Rudawy P. Bulgarian Astronomical Journal 14, 89-100 [strona BAS] A confined prominence eruption on May 7, 1979 |
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Duchlev P., Koleva K., Kokotanekova J., Dechev M., Petrov N., Rompolt B., Rudawy P. Bulgarian Astronomical Journal 13, 47-68 [strona BAS] Kinematics and evolution of eruptive prominences of two different basic types |
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Gałan C., Mikołajewski M., Tomov T., Świerczyński E., Więcek M., Brożek T., Maciejewski G., Wychudzki P., Hajduk M., Różański P., Ragan E., Budzisz B., Dobierski P., Frąckowiak S., Kurpińska-Winiarska M., Winiarski M., Zoła S., Ogłoza W., Kuźmicz A., Dróżdż M., Kuligowska E., Krzesiński J., Szymański T., Siwak M., Kundera T., Staels B., Hopkins J., Pye J., Elder L., Myers G., Dimitrov D., Popov V., Semkov E., Peneva S., Kolev D., Iliev I., Barzova I., Stateva I., Tomov N., Dvorak S., Miller I., Brát L., Niarchos P., Liakos A., Gazeas K., Pigulski A., Kopacki G., Narwid A., Majewska A., Stęślicki M., Niemczura E., Öğmen Y., Oksanen A., Kučáková H., Lister T., Heras T., Dapergolas A., Bellas-Velidis I., Kocián R., Majcher A. A.S.P. Conference Series 435, 423-428 (Proc. of the international conference Binaries - key to comprehension of the Universe, 8-12 czerwca 2009, Brno, Czechy, eds. A.Prša, M.Zejda) [CDS] [arXiv] Multi-ring structure of the eclipsing disk in EE Cep - possible planets? |
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Grigahcène A., Antoci V., Balona L., Catanzaro G., Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz J., Guzik J.A., Handler G., Houdek G., Kurtz D.W., Marconi M., Monteiro M.J.P.F.G., Moya A., Ripepi V., Suárez J.-C., Uytterhoeven K., Borucki W.J., Brown T.M., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Gilliland R.L., Jenkins J.M., Kjeldsen H., Koch D., Bernabei S., Bradley P., Breger M., Di Criscienzo M., Dupret M.-A., García R.A., García Hernández A, Jackiewicz J., Kaiser A., Lehmann H., Martín-Ruiz S., Mathias P., Molenda-Żakowicz J., Nemec J.M., Nuspl J., Paparó M., Roth M., Szabó R., Suran M.D., Ventura R. The Astrophysical Journal 713, L192-L197 [DOI] [arXiv] Hybrid γ Doradus - δ Scuti pulsators: new insights into the physics of the oscillations from Kepler observations |
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Grigahcène A., Uytterhoeven K., Antoci V., Balona L., Catanzaro G., Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz J., Guzik J.A., Handler G., Houdek G., Kurtz D.W., Marconi M., Monteiro M.J.P.F.G., Moya A., Ripepi V., Suárez J.-C., Borucki W.J., Brown T.M., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Gilliland R.L., Jenkins J.M., Kjeldsen H., Koch D., Bernabei S., Bradley P., Breger M., Di Criscienzo M., Dupret M.-A., García R.A., García Hernández A, Jackiewicz J., Kaiser A., Lehmann H., Martín-Ruiz S., Mathias P., Molenda-Żakowicz J., Nemec J.M., Nuspl J., Paparó M., Roth M., Szabó R., Suran M.D., Ventura R. Astronomische Nachrichten 331 (9/10), 989-992 (Proc. 4th HELAS International Conference Seismological Challenges for Stellar Structure, Arecife, Lanzarote, W-y Kanaryjskie, Hiszpania, 1-5 lutego 2010, eds. T.Roca Cortés, P.Pallé, S.Jiménez Reyes) [DOI] Kepler observations: light shed on the hybrid γ Doradus - δ Scuti pulsation phenomenon |
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Hekker S., Debosscher J., Huber D., Hidas M.G., De Ridder J., Aerts C., Stello D., Bedding T.R., Gilliland R.L., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Brown T.M., Kjeldsen H., Borucki W.J., Koch D., Jenkins J.M., Van Winckel H., Beck P.G., Blomme J., Southworth J., Pigulski A., Chaplin W.J., Elsworth Y.P., Stevens I.R., Dreizler S., Kurtz W.D., Maceroni C., Cardini D., Derekas A., Suran M.D. The Astrophysical Journal 713, L187-L191 [DOI] [arXiv] Discovery of a red giant with solar-like oscillations in an eclipsing binary system from Kepler space-based photometry |
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Herlender M., Berlicki A. Central European Astrophysical Bulletin 34, 65-72 [CDS] Spectrophotometric analysis of an Ellerman bomb |
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Jakimiec J., Tomczak M. Solar Physics 261, 233-251 [DOI] [arXiv] Investigation of quasi-periodic variations in hard X-rays of solar flares |
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Karoff C., Chaplin W.J., Appourchaux T., Elsworth Y., García R.A., Houdek G., Metcalfe T.S., Molenda-Żakowicz J., Monteiro M.J.P.F.G., Thompson M.J., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Gilliland R.L., Kjeldsen H., Basu S., Bedding T.R., Campante T.L., Eggenberger P., Fletcher S.T., Gaulme P., Handberg R., Hekker S., Martic M., Mathur S., Mosser B., Regulo C., Roxburgh I.W., Salabert D., Stello D., Verner G.A., Belkacem K., Biazzo K., Cunha M.S., Gruberbauer M., Guzik J.A., Kupka F., Leroy B., Ludwig H.-G., Mathis S., Noels A., Noyes R.W., Roca Cortés T., Roth M., Sato K.H., Schmitt J., Suran M.D., Trampedach R., Uytterhoeven K., Ventura R., Wilson P.A. Astronomische Nachrichten 331 (9/10), 972-976, (Proc. 4th HELAS International Conference Seismological Challenges for Stellar Structure, Arecife, Lanzarote, W-y Kanaryjskie, Hiszpania, 1-5 lutego 2010, eds. T.Roca Cortés, P.Pallé, S.Jiménez Reyes) [DOI] [arXiv] Asteroseismology of solar-type stars with Kepler. I. Data analysis |
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Kolenberg K., Szabó R., Kurtz D.W., Gilliland R.L., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Kjeldsen H., Brown T.M., Benkő J.M., Chadid M., Derekas A., Di Criscienzo M., Guggenberger E., Kinemuchi K., Kunder A., Kolláth Z., Kopacki G., Moskalik P., Nemec J.M., Nuspl J., Silvotti R., Suran M.D., Borucki W.J., Koch D., Jenkins J.M. The Astrophysical Journal 713, L198-L203 [DOI] [arXiv] First Kepler results on RR Lyrae stars |
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Kołaczkowski Z., Mennickent R., Rivinius T. A.S.P. Conference Series 435, 403-404 (Proc. of the international conference Binaries - key to comprehension of the Universe, 8-12 czerwca 2009, Brno, Czechy, eds. A.Prša, M.Zejda) [CDS] [arXiv] The study of resonant variability observed in the massive LMC system BI 108 |
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Mennickent R.E., Kołaczkowski Z. Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica (Serie de Conferencias) 38, 23-26 (Proc. ESO workshop: The Interferometric view on Hot Stars, 2-6 marca 2009, Viña del Mar, Chile, eds. T.Rivinius, M.Curé) [CDS] [arXiv] Interacting binary star environments and the W Ser - DPV - Algol connection |
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Mennickent R., Kołaczkowski Z. A.S.P. Conference Series 435, 283-286 (Proc. of the international conference Binaries - key to comprehension of the Universe, 8-12 czerwca 2009, Brno, Czechy, eds. A.Prša, M.Zejda) [CDS] [arXiv] A class of interacting binaries: Double Periodic Variables |
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Mennickent R.E., Kołaczkowski Z., Djurašević G., Michalska G., Barría D. Proceedings of the IAU, IAU Symp. 262, 392-393 (Stellar Populations - Planning for the Next Decade, Rio de Janeiro, Brazylia, 3-7 sierpnia 2009, eds. G.Bruzual, S.Charlot) [DOI] [arXiv] The interacting binary V393 Scorpii: another clue for Double Periodic Variables |
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Mennickent R.E., Kołaczkowski Z., Graczyk D., Ojeda J. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 405, 1947-1959 [DOI] [arXiv] A study of the interacting binary V393 Scorpii |
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Mennickent R.E., Smith M.A., Kołaczkowski Z., Pietrzyński G., Soszyński I. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 122, 662-669 [DOI] [arXiv] Photometry of two unusual A supergiant systems in the Small Magellanic Cloud |
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Metcalfe T., Monteiro M.J.P.F.G., Thompson M.J., Molenda-Żakowicz J., Appourchaux T., Chaplin W.J., Doǧan G., Eggenberger P., Bedding T.R., Bruntt H., Creevey O.L., Quirion P.-O., Stello D., Bonanno A., Silva Aguirre V., Basu S., Esch L., Gai N., Di Mauro M.P., Kosovichev A.G., Kitiashvili I.N., Suárez J.C., Moya A., Piau L., García R.A., Marques J.P., Frasca A., Biazzo K., Sousa S.G., Dreizler S., Bazot M., Karoff C., Frandsen S., Wilson P.A., Brown T.M., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Gilliland R.L., Kjeldsen H., Campante T.L., Fletcher S.T., Handberg R., Régulo C., Salabert D., Schou J., Verner G.A., Ballot J., Broomhall A.-M., Elsworth Y., Hekker S., Huber D., Mathur S., New R., Roxburgh I.W., Sato K.H., White T.R., Borucki W.J., Koch D.G., Jenkins J.M. The Astrophysical Journal 723, 1583-1598 [DOI] [arXiv] A precise asteroseismic age and radius for the evolved Sun-like star KIC 11026764 |
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Michalska G., Mennickent R.E., Kołaczkowski Z., Djurašević G. A.S.P. Conference Series 435, 357-358 (Proc. of the international conference Binaries - key to comprehension of the Universe, 8-12 czerwca 2009, Brno, Czechy, eds. A.Prša, M.Zejda) [CDS] [arXiv] Light curves of Galactic eclipsing Double Periodic Variables |
Mielczarek J., Kamionka M., Kurek A., Szydłowski M. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 07, 004, 1-19 [CDS] [arXiv] Observational hints on the Big Bounce |
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Molenda-Żakowicz J., Bruntt H., Sousa H., Frasca A., Biazzo K., Huber D., Ireland M., Bedding T., Stello D., Uytterhoeven K., Dreizler S., De Cat P., Briquet M., Catanzaro G., Karoff C., Frandsen S., Spezzi L., Catala C. Astronomische Nachrichten 331 (9/10), 981-984, (Proc. 4th HELAS International Conference Seismological Challenges for Stellar Structure, Arecife, Lanzarote, W-y Kanaryjskie, Hiszpania, 1-5 lutego 2010, eds. T.Roca Cortés, P.Pallé, S.Jiménez Reyes) [DOI] [arXiv] Asteroseismology of solar-type stars with Kepler. III. Ground-based data |
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Molenda-Żakowicz J., Jerzykiewicz M., Frasca A., Catanzaro G., Kopacki G., Latham D.W. Astronomische Nachrichten 331 (9/10), P26, 1-4, (Proc. 4th HELAS International Conference Seismological Challenges for Stellar Structure, Arecife, Lanzarote, W-y Kanaryjskie, Hiszpania, 1-5 lutego 2010, eds. T.Roca Cortés, P.Pallé, S.Jiménez Reyes) [arXiv] Characteristics of 100+ Kepler asteroseismic targets from ground-based observations |
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Mrozek T., Kowalczuk J. Central European Astrophysical Bulletin 34, 57-64 [CDS] Investigation of the energy-height relation for solar flare footpoints observed by RHESSI |
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Osarczuk J., Radziszewski K. Urania - Postępy Astronomii 81 (6/2010), 250-256 Subtelna struktura protuberancji słonecznych |
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Poretti E., Mantegazza L., Niemczura E., Rainer M., Seeman T., Lüftinger T., Baglin A., Auvergne M., Michel E., Samadi R. Astronomische Nachrichten 331 (9/10), 1049-1052, (Proc. 4th HELAS International Conference Seismological Challenges for Stellar Structure, Arecife, Lanzarote, W-y Kanaryjskie, Hiszpania, 1-5 lutego 2010, eds. T.Roca Cortés, P.Pallé, S.Jiménez Reyes) [DOI] [arXiv] Pulsational content and abundance analysis of some δ Scuti stars observed by CoRoT |
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Rodríguez E., García J.M., Costa V., Lampens P., Van Cauteren P., Mkrtichian D.E., Olson E.C., Amado P.J., Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz J., Turcu V., Kim S.-L., Zhou A.Y., López-González M.J., Rolland A., Díaz-Fraile D., Wood M.A., Hintz E., Pop A., Moldovan D., Etzel P.B., Casanova V., Sota A., Aceituno F.J., Lee D.-J. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 408, 2142-2162 [DOI] δ Sct-type pulsations in eclipsing binary systems: Y Cam |
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Roth M., von der Lühe O., Aerts C., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Corbard T., Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz J., di Mauro M.P., Gizon L., Jiménez-Reyes S., Monteiro M.P.J.F.G., Pallé P.E., Thompson M.J. Astronomische Nachrichten 331 (9/10), 1084-1089, (Proc. 4th HELAS International Conference Seismological Challenges for Stellar Structure, Arecife, Lanzarote, W-y Kanaryjskie, Hiszpania, 1-5 lutego 2010, eds. T.Roca Cortés, P.Pallé, S.Jiménez Reyes) [DOI] Four years of HELAS |
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Rudawy P., Phillips K.J.H., Buczyłko A., Williams D.R., Keenan F.P. Solar Physics 267, 305-327 [DOI] [arXiv] Search for rapid changes in the visible-light corona during the 21 June 2001 total solar eclipse |
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Rudawy P., Siarkowski M., Falewicz R. Proceedings of the IAU, IAU Symp. 264, 282-284 (Solar and Stellar Variability: Impact on Earth and Planets, Rio de Janeiro, Brazylia, 3-7 sierpnia 2009, eds. A.G.Kosovichev, A.H.Andrei, J.-P.Roelot) [DOI] Plasma heating in the initial phase of solar flares |
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Saesen S., Carrier F., Pigulski A., Aerts C., Handler G., Narwid A., Fu J.N., Zhang C., Jiang X.J., Vanautgaerden J., Kopacki G., Stęślicki M., Acke N., Poretti E., Uytterhoeven K., Gielen C., Østensen R., De Meester W., Reed M.D., Kołaczkowski Z., Michalska G., Schmidt E., Yakut K., Leitner A., Kalomeni B., Cherix M., Spano M., Prins S., Van Helshoecht V., Zima W., Huygen R., Vandenbussche B., Lenz P., Ladjal D., Puga Antolín E., Verhoelst T., De Ridder J., Niarchos P., Liakos A., Lorenz D., Dehaes S., Reyniers M., Davignon G., Kim S.-L., Kim D.H., Lee Y.-J., Lee C.-U., Kwon J.-H., Broeders E., Van Winckel H., Vanhollebeke E., Waelkens C., Raskin G., Blom Y., Eggen J.R., Degroote P., Beck P., Puschnig J., Schmitzberger L., Gelven G.A., Steininger B., Blommaert J., Drummond R., Briquet M., Debosscher J. Astronomy & Astrophysics 515, A16, 1-18 [DOI] [arXiv] Photometric multi-site campaign on the open cluster NGC 884. I. Detection of the variable stars |
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Saesen S., Pigulski A., Carrier F., Michalska G., Aerts C., De Ridder J., Briquet M., Handler G., Kołaczkowski Z., Acke B., Bauwens E., Beck P.G., Blom Y., Blommaert J., Broeders E., Cherix M., Davignon G., Debosscher J., Degroote P., Decin L., Dehaes S., De Meester W., Deroo P., Desmet M., Drummond R., Eggen J.R., Fu J., Gazeas K., Gelven G.A., Gielen C., Huygen R., Jiang X., Kalomeni B., Kim S.-L., Kim D.H., Kopacki G., Kwon J.-H., Ladjal D., Lee C.-U., Lee Y.-J., Lefever K., Leitner A., Lenz P., Liakos A., Lorenz D., Narwid A., Niarchos P., Østensen R., Poretti E., Prins S., Provencal J., Puga Antolín E., Puschnig J., Raskin G., Reed M.D., Reyniers M., Schmidt E., Schmitzberger L., Spano M., Steininger B., Stęślicki M., Uytterhoeven K., Vanautgaerden J., Vandenbussche B., Van Helshoecht V., Vanhollebeke E., Van Winckel H., Verhoelst T., Vučković M., Waelkens C., Wolf G.W., Yakut K., Zhang C., Zima W. Astronomische Nachrichten 331 (9/10), 1080-1083, (Proc. 4th HELAS International Conference Seismological Challenges for Stellar Structure, Arecife, Lanzarote, W-y Kanaryjskie, Hiszpania, 1-5 lutego 2010, eds. T.Roca Cortés, P.Pallé, S.Jiménez Reyes) [DOI] [arXiv] Towards ensemble asteroseismology of the young open clusters χ Persei and NGC 6910 |
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Schmieder B., Chandra R., Berlicki A., Mein P. Astronomy & Astrophysics 514, A68, 1-7 [DOI] [arXiv] Velocity vectors of a quiescent prominence observed by Hinode/SOT and the MSDP (Meudon) |
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Stateva I., Niemczura E., Iliev I. Publications of the Astronomical Observatory Belgrade 90, 179-182 (Proc. of the 6th DREAC Meeting Astrophysics and Astrodynamics in Balkan Countries in the International Year of Astronomy, 28 - 30 września 2009, Belgrad, Serbia, eds.: I.Vince, T.Bonev) [strona PAOB] Spectroscopic observations of β Cephei stars at Rozhen Observatory |
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Stello D., Basu S., Bedding T.R., Brogaard K., Bruntt H., Chaplin W.J., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Demarque P., Elsworth Y.P., García R.A., Gilliland R.L., Hekker S., Huber D., Karoff C., Kjeldsen H., Lebreton Y., Mathur S., Meibom S., Molenda-Żakowicz J., Noels A., Roxburgh I.W., Aguirre V.S., Sterken C., Szabó R. Astronomische Nachrichten 331 (9/10), 985-988, (Proc. 4th HELAS International Conference Seismological Challenges for Stellar Structure, Arecife, Lanzarote, W-y Kanaryjskie, Hiszpania, 1-5 lutego 2010, eds. T.Roca Cortés, P.Pallé, S.Jiménez Reyes) [DOI] [arXiv] Solar-likes oscillations in cluster stars |
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Stello D., Basu S., Bruntt H., Mosser B., Stevens I.R., Brown T.M., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Gilliland R.L., Kjeldsen H., Arentoft T., Ballot J., Barban C., Bedding T.R., Chaplin W.J., Elsworth Y.P., García R.A., Goupil M.-J., Hekker S., Huber D., Mathur S., Meibom S., Samadi R., Sangaralingam V., Baldner C.S., Belkacem K., Biazzo K., Brogaard K., Suárez J.C., D'Antona F., Demarque P., Esch L., Gai N., Grundahl F., Lebreton Y., Jiang B., Jevtic N., Karoff C., Miglio A., Molenda-Żakowicz J., Montalbán J., Noels A., Roca Cortés T., Roxburgh I.W., Serenelli A.M., Silva Aguirre V., Sterken C., Stine P., Szabó R., Weiss A., Borucki W.J., Koch D., Jenkins J.M. The Astrophysical Journal 713, L182-L186 [DOI] [arXiv] Detection of solar-like oscillations from Kepler photometry of the open cluster NGC 6819 |
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Szewczuk W., Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz J. Astronomische Nachrichten 331 (9/10), P56, 1-4, (Proc. 4th HELAS International Conference Seismological Challenges for Stellar Structure, Arecife, Lanzarote, W-y Kanaryjskie, Hiszpania, 1-5 lutego 2010, eds. T.Roca Cortés, P.Pallé, S.Jiménez Reyes) [arXiv] Photometric amplitudes and phases of B-type main sequence pulsators: sources of inaccuracy |
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Uytterhoeven K., Briquet M., Bruntt H., De Cat P., Frandsen S., Gutiérrez-Soto J., Kiss L.L., Kurtz D.W., Marconi M., Molenda-Żakowicz J., Østensen R., Randall S., Southworth J., Szabó R., KASC Working Groups on stellar like oscillations Astronomische Nachrichten 331 (9/10), 993-997, (Proc. 4th HELAS International Conference Seismological Challenges for Stellar Structure, Arecife, Lanzarote, W-y Kanaryjskie, Hiszpania, 1-5 lutego 2010, eds. T.Roca Cortés, P.Pallé, S.Jiménez Reyes) [DOI] [arXiv] Ground-based follow-up in relation to Kepler asteroseismic investigation |
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