Publikacje w roku 2013
ID | Autorzy — Źródło — Tytuł |
Barría D., Mennickent R.E., Schmidtobreick L., Djurašević G., Kołaczkowski Z., Michalska G., Vučković M., Niemczura E. Central European Astrophysical Bulletin 37, 217-226 (Proc. XIth Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium: The Most Mysterious Binaries: Significance for Astrophysics, Hvar, Chorwacja, 2-7 lipca 2012) [CDS] Photometric and spectroscopic analysis of the eclipsing binary DQ Velorum |
Barría D., Mennickent R.E., Schmidtobreick L., Djurašević G., Kołaczkowski Z., Michalska G., Vučković M., Niemczura E. Astronomy & Astrophysics 552, A63, 1-12 [DOI] [arXiv] Fundamental stellar and accretion disc parameters of the eclipsing binary DQ Velorum |
Bąk-Stęślicka U., Gibson S.E., Fan Y., Bethge C., Forland B., Rachmeler L.A. The Astrophysical Journal 770, L28, 1-5 [DOI] [arXiv] The magnetic structure of solar prominence cavities: new observational signature revealed by coronal magnetometry |
Bąk-Stęślicka U., Kołomański S., Mrozek T. Solar Physics 283, 505-517 [DOI] [arXiv] Coronal mass ejections associated with slow long duration flares |
Borowiec A., Kamionka M. EPJ Web of Conferences 58, 02008, 1-2 (Proc. of the TM 2012 — The Time Machine Factory [unspeakable, speakable] on Time Travel in Turin, Turyn, Włochy, 14-19 października 2012, eds. M.Crosta, M.Gramegna, M.L.Ruggiero) [DOI] Future sudden singularities in Palatini cosmology |
Cader-Sroka B. Przegląd Uniwersytecki 2/2013 (199), 29 [strona BC] Antoni Opolski — jego pierwsze sto lat |
Cader-Sroka B. Przegląd Uniwersytecki 3/2013 (200), 27 [strona BC] Profesorowi Antoniemu Opolskiemu - specjalna sesja XXXVI zjazdu Polskiego Towarzystwa Astronomicznego |
Chmielewska E., Tomczak M., Mrozek T. Central European Astrophysical Bulletin 37, 597-608 (Proc. XIIth Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium: The Sun and Heliosphere, Hvar, Chorwacja, 3-7 września 2012) [CDS] [arXiv] Simultaneous Yohkoh/SXT and TRACE observations of solar plasma ejections |
Cieslinski D., Diaz M.P.,Mennickent R.E., Kołaczkowski Z., Pereira C.B. Information Bulletin on Variable Stars No. 6088 [strona IBVS] Identification of Be and carbon stars in the Magellanic Clouds as a by-product of a symbiotic star search |
Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz J., Ostrowski J., Pamyatnykh A.A. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 432, 3153-3160 [DOI] [arXiv] Pulsational instability in B-type supergiant stars |
Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz J., Pamyatnykh A.A. Astrophysics & Space Science Proceedings 31, 179-184 (Proc. of 20th pulsation conference: Impact of New Instrumentation and New Insights, Granada, Hiszpania, 5-9 września 2011, eds. J.C.Suárez, R.Garrido, L.A.Balona, J.Christensen-Dalsgaard) [DOI] [arXiv] Identification of pulsation modes in main sequence stars: potentials and limits |
Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz J., Szewczuk W., Walczak P. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 431, 3396-3407 [DOI] [arXiv] The β Cep/SPB star 12 Lacertae: extended mode identification and complex seismic modelling |
Doğan G., Metcalfe T.S., Deheuvels S., Di Mauro M.P., Eggenberger P., Creevey O.L., Monteiro M.J.P.F.G., Pinsonneault M., Frasca A., Karoff C., Mathur S., Sousa S.G., Brandão I.M., Campante T.L., Handberg R., Thygesen A.O., Biazzo K., Bruntt H., Niemczura E., Bedding T.R., Chaplin W.J., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., García R.A., Molenda-Żakowicz J., Stello D., Van Saders J.L., Kjeldsen H., Still M., Thompson S.E., Van Cleve J. The Astrophysical Journal 763, 49, 1-10 [DOI] [arXiv] Characterizing two solar-type Kepler subgiants with asteroseismology: KIC 10920273 and KIC 11395018 |
Drobek D., Pigulski A., Narwid A., Shobbrook, R.R. Acta Astronomica 63, 339-368 [strona AcA] [arXiv] Variability survey in the open cluster Stock 14 and the surrounding fields |
Frandsen S. Lehmann H., Hekker S., Southworth J., Debosscher J., Beck P., Hartmann M., Pigulski A., Kopacki G., Kołaczkowski Z., Stęślicki M., Thygesen A.O., Brogaard K., Elsworth Y. Astronomy & Astrophysics 556, A138, 1-12 [DOI] [arXiv] KIC 8410637: a 408-day period eclipsing binary containing a pulsating giant star |
Frasca A., Fröhlich H.-E., Molenda-Żakowicz J., Bonanno A., Catanzaro G., Biazzo K. Astrophysics & Space Science Proceedings 31, Poster No. 2, 1-2 (Proc. of 20th pulsation conference: Impact of New Instrumentation and New Insights, Granada, Hiszpania, 5-9 września 2011, eds. J.C.Suárez, R.Garrido, L.A.Balona, J.Christensen-Dalsgaard) [strona wydawcy] Magnetic activity and differential rotation in young stars in the Kepler field. KIC 8429280 |
Garrido H.E., Mennickent R.E., Djurašević G., Kołaczkowski Z., Niemczura E., Mennekens N. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 428, 1594-1605 [DOI] [arXiv] Physical parameters and evolutionary route for the Large Magellanic Cloud interacting binary OGLE 05155332-6925581 |
Getko R. Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 3, A09, 1-11 [DOI] Statistics of sunspot group clusters |
Jakimiec J., Tomczak M. Solar Physics 286, 427-440 [DOI] [arXiv] Quasi-periodic variations in the hard X-ray emission of a large arcade flare |
Jerzykiewicz M. Astrophysics & Space Science Proceedings 31, Poster No. 30, 1-2 (Proc. of 20th pulsation conference: Impact of New Instrumentation and New Insights, Granada, Hiszpania, 5-9 września 2011, eds. J.C.Suárez, R.Garrido, L.A.Balona, J.Christensen-Dalsgaard) [strona wydawcy] Baade-Wesselink distance and radius of V1154 Cygni |
Jerzykiewicz M., Lehmann H., Niemczura E., Molenda-Żakowicz J., Dymitrov W., Fagas M., Guenther D.B., Hartmann M., Hrudková M., Kamiński K., Moffat A.F.J., Kuschnig R., Leto G., Matthews J.M., Rowe J.F., Ruciński S.M., Sasselov D., Weiss W.W. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 432, 1032-1045 [DOI] [arXiv] μ Eridani from MOST and from the ground: an orbit, the SPB component’s fundamental parameters and the SPB frequencies |
Kamionka M. AIP Conference Proceedings 1514, 183-186 (Proc. Multicosmofun '12, Multiverse and Fundamental Cosmology, Non-Standard Theories of Gravity, 10-14 września 2012, Szczecin, Polska, eds. M.Dąbrowski, A.Balcerzak, T.Denkiewicz) [DOI] [arXiv] Constraining Palatini cosmological models using GRB data |
Kołaczek-Szymański P. Urania - Postępy Astronomii 1/2013 (763), 20-24 [strona U-PA] Widma z mojego podwórka |
Kołaczkowski Z., Mennickent R.E., Rivinius T., Pietrzyński G. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 429, 2852-2857 [DOI] [arXiv] The quasi-resonant variability of the massive LMC system BI 108 |
Kopacki G. Acta Astronomica 63, 91-107 [strona AcA] Variable stars in the globular cluster M80 |
Kopacki G., Pigulski A. Astrophysics & Space Science Proceedings 31, Poster No. 17, 1-2 (Proc. of 20th pulsation conference: Impact of New Instrumentation and New Insights, Granada, Hiszpania, 5-9 września 2011, eds. J.C.Suárez, R.Garrido, L.A.Balona, J.Christensen-Dalsgaard) [strona wydawcy] [arXiv] Variable stars in the globular cluster M 79 |
Kopacki G., Pigulski A. Astrophysics & Space Science Proceedings 31, Poster No. 16, 1-2 (Proc. of 20th pulsation conference: Impact of New Instrumentation and New Insights, Granada, Hiszpania, 5-9 września 2011, eds. J.C.Suárez, R.Garrido, L.A.Balona, J.Christensen-Dalsgaard) [strona wydawcy] [arXiv] Period-luminosity relationship for SX Phoenicis stars in Galactic globular clusters |
Krucker S., Benz A.O., Hurford G.J., Arnold N.G., Orleański P., Gröbelbauer H.-P., Casadei D., Kobler S., Iseli L., Wiehl H.J., Csillaghy A., Etesi L., Hochmuth N., Battaglia M., Bednarzik M., Resanovic R., Grimm O., Viertel G., Commichau V., Howard A., Meuris A., Limousin O., Brun S., Vilmer N., Skup K.R., Graczyk R., Stolarski M., Michalska M., Nowosielski W., Cichocki A., Mosdorf M., Seweryn K., Białek A., Sylwester J., Kowalinski M., Mrozek T., Podgorski P., Mann G., Önel H., Aurass H., Bauer S.-M., Bittner W., Dionies F., Paschke J., Plüschke D., Popow E., Rendtel J., Warmuth A., Woche M., Wolter D., Van Beek H.F., Farnik F., Lin R.P. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 732, 295-298 (Proc. Vienna Conference on Instrumentation 2013, 11-15 lutego 2013, Wiedeń, Austria) [DOI] The spectrometer/telescope for imaging X-rays on board the ESA Solar Orbiter spacecraft |
Mathur S., Bruntt H., Catala C., Benomar O., Davies G. R., García R. A., Salabert D., Ballot J., Mosser B., Régulo C., Chaplin W. J., Elsworth Y., Handberg R., Hekker S., Mantegazza L., Michel E., Poretti E., Rainer M., Roxburgh I. W., Samadi R., Stęślicki M., Uytterhoeven K., Verner G. A., Auvergne M., Baglin A., Barceló Forteza S., Baudin F., Roca Cortés T. Astronomy & Astrophysics 549, A13, 1-13 [DOI] [arXiv] Study of HD 169392A observed by CoRoT and HARPS |
Michalska G., Kołaczkowski Z., Leiton R., Szewczyk O., Kinemuchi K. Astrophysics & Space Science Proceedings 31, Poster No. 29, 1-2 (Proc. of 20th pulsation conference: Impact of New Instrumentation and New Insights, Granada, Hiszpania, 5-9 września 2011, eds. J.C.Suárez, R.Garrido, L.A.Balona, J.Christensen-Dalsgaard) [strona wydawcy] Variable stars in young open cluster NGC 6611 |
Michalska G., Niemczura E., Pigulski A., Stęślicki M., Williams A. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 429, 1354-1366 [DOI] [arXiv] The massive eclipsing system ALS 1135 and variable stars in the field of the distant OB association Bochum 7 |
Molenda-Żakowicz J. A.S.P. Conference Series 479, 497-502 (Proc. of. the Fujihara Seminar: Progress in Physics of the Sun and Stars: A New Era in Helio- and Asteroseismology, Hakone, Japonia, 25-29 listopada 2012, eds. H. Shibahashi, A.E. Lynas-Gray) [strona ASP] Directions for future ground-based follow-ups for the Kepler space mission |
Molenda-Żakowicz J., Frasca A., Fröhlich H.-E. Proceedings of the IAU, IAU Symposium 294, 205-206, Solar and Astrophysical Dynamos and Magnetic Activity, Beijing, Chiny, 27-31 sierpnia 2012, eds. A.G. Kosovichev, E.M. de Gouveia Dal Pino, Y.Yan [DOI] Magnetic activity and solar-like pulsations of X-ray sources in the Kepler field of view |
Molenda-Żakowicz J., Niemczura E., Brogaard K., Grundahl F., Arentoft T. Astrophysics & Space Science Proceedings 31, Poster No. 21, 1-2 (Proc. of 20th pulsation conference: Impact of New Instrumentation and New Insights, Granada, Hiszpania, 5-9 września 2011, eds. J.C.Suárez, R.Garrido, L.A.Balona, J.Christensen-Dalsgaard) [strona wydawcy] Spectroscopic study of two open clusters in the Kepler field of view: NGC 6811 and NGC 6866 |
Molenda-Żakowicz J., Sousa S.G., Frasca A., Uytterhoeven K., Briquet M., Van Winckel H., Drobek D., Niemczura E., Lampens P., Lykke J., Bloemen S., Gameiro J.F., Jean C., Volpi D., Gorlova N., Mortier A., Tsantaki M., Raskin G. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 434, 1422-1434 [DOI] [arXiv] Atmospheric parameters of 169 F-, G-, K- and M-type stars in the Kepler field |
Molenda-Żakowicz J., Uytterhoeven K., Stęślicki M., Drobek D., Creevey O.L., Gutiérrez-Soto J., Pápics P., Suárez J.C. Astrophysics & Space Science Proceedings 31, Poster No. 22, 1-2 (Proc. of 20th pulsation conference: Impact of New Instrumentation and New Insights, Granada, Hiszpania, 5-9 września 2011, eds. J.C.Suárez, R.Garrido, L.A.Balona, J.Christensen-Dalsgaard) [strona wydawcy] Standard photometry of Kepler asteroseismic targets |
Moskalik P., Smolec R., Kolenberg K., Nemec J., Kunder A., Chadid M., Kopacki G., Szabó R. + WG#13 members Astrophysics & Space Science Proceedings 31, Poster No. 34, 1-2 (Proc. of 20th pulsation conference: Impact of New Instrumentation and New Insights, Granada, Hiszpania, 5-9 września 2011, eds. J.C.Suárez, R.Garrido, L.A.Balona, J.Christensen-Dalsgaard) [strona wydawcy] [arXiv] Discovery of peculiar double-mode pulsations and period doubling in Kepler RRc variables |
Moździerski D., Pigulski A., Kopacki G., Stęślicki M., Kołaczkowski Z. Astrophysics & Space Science Proceedings 31, Poster No. 9, 1-2 (Proc. of 20th pulsation conference: Impact of New Instrumentation and New Insights, Granada, Hiszpania, 5-9 września 2011, eds. J.C.Suárez, R.Garrido, L.A.Balona, J.Christensen-Dalsgaard) [strona wydawcy] [arXiv] Variability survey in the young open cluster NGC 457 |
Mrozek T. Przegląd Uniwersytecki 4/2013 (201), 24-25 [strona BC] Jak zobaczyć kometę na świątecznym niebie? |
Mrozek T., Gburek S., Siarkowski M., Sylwester B., Sylwester J., Kępa A., Gryciuk M. Proceedings of the IAU, IAU Symposium 294, 571-572, Solar and Astrophysical Dynamos and Magnetic Activity, Beijing, Chiny, 27-31 sierpnia 2012, eds. A.G. Kosovichev, E.M. de Gouveia Dal Pino, Y.Yan [DOI] Solar flares observed simultaneously with SphinX, GOES and RHESSI |
Mrozek T., Kołomański S., Lipin A. Astronomia Amatorska 12, 84-91 Astronomiczne Góry Izerskie |
Murphy S.J., Pigulski A., Kurtz D.W., Suárez J.C., Handler G., Balona L.A., Smalley B., Uytterhoeven K., Szabó R., Thygesen A.O., Elkin V., Breger M., Grigahcène A., Guzik J.A., Nemec J.M., Southworth J. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 432, 2284-2297 [DOI] (errata: MNRAS 436, 2877 [DOI]) [arXiv] Asteroseismology of KIC 11754974: a high-amplitude SX Phe pulsator in a 343-d binary system |
Opolski A. Urania - Postępy Astronomii 5/2013 (767), 9-11 [strona U-PA] Moje 100 lat |
Opolski A. (red. Mrozek T., Preś P., Cader-Sroka B.) Urania - Postępy Astronomii 5/2013 (767), 12-17 [strona U-PA] Pętle Jowisza |
Pápics P.I, Tkachenko A., Aerts C., Briquet M., Marcos-Arenal P., Beck P.G., Uytterhoeven K., Triviño Hage A., Southworth J., Clubb K.I., Bloemen S., Degroote P., Jackiewicz J., McKeever J., Van Winckel H., Niemczura E., Gameiro J.F., Debosscher J. Astronomy & Astrophysics 553, A127, 1-20 [DOI] [arXiv] Two new SB2 binaries with main sequence B-type pulsators in the Kepler field |
Preś P. w: Jaki początek? Część I: Wiara i rozum o początku świata, str. 141-165 (Fides et ratio 2, praca zbiorowa pod red. ks. Rajmunda Pietkiewicza, Towarzystwo Studiów Interdyscyplinarnych przy Papieskim Wydziale Teologicznym we Wrocławiu, Wrocław 2013) [strona PWT] Od Wielkiego Wybuchu do Wielkiego Rozdarcia |
Radziszewski K. Na Tropach Wiedzy (Gazeta XVI Dolnośląskiego Festiwalu Nauki) 2013, 2-3 [strona DFN] Mikołaj Kopernik |
Radziszewski K., Rudawy P. Solar Physics 284, 397-404 (Advances in European Solar Physics, p.II/II, Topical Issue for European Solar Physics Meeting ESPM-13, Rodos, Grecja, 12-16 września 2011, eds. V.Nakariakov, S.Poedts, M.Georgoulis) [DOI] [arXiv] Variations of flaring kernel sizes in various parts of the Hα line profile |
Soffitta P., Barcons X., Bellazzini R., Braga J., Costa E., Fraser G.W., Gburek S., Huovelin J., Matt G., Pearce M., Poutanen J., Reglero V., Santangelo A., Sunyaev R.A., Tagliaferri G., Weisskopf M. Aloisio R., Amato E., Attiná P., Axelsson M., Baldini Luca., Basso S., Bianchi S., Blasi P., Bregeon J. Brez A., Bucciantini N., Burderi L., Burwitz V., Casella P., Churazov E., Civitani M., Covino S., Curado da Silva R.M., Cusumano G., Dadina M., D'Amico F., De Rosa A., Di Cosimo S., Di Persio G., Di Salvo T., Dovciak M., Elsner R., Eyles C.J., Fabian A.C., Fabiani S., Feng H., Giarrusso S., Goosmann R.W., Grandi P., Grosso N., Israel G., Jackson M., Kaaret P., Karas V., Kuss M., Lai D., La Rosa G., Larsson J., Larsson S., Latronico L., Maggio A., Maia J., Marin F., Massai M.M., Mineo T., Minuti M., Moretti E., Muleri F., O'Dell S.L., Pareschi G., Peres G., Pesce M., Petrucci P.-O., Pinchera M., Porquet D., Ramsey B. Rea N., Reale F., Rodrigo J.M., Różańska A., Rubini A., Rudawy P., Ryde F., Salvati M., de Santiago V.A., Sazonov S., Sgró C., Silver E., Spandre G., Spiga D., Stella L., Tamagawa T., Tamborra F., Tavecchio F., Teixeira Dias T., van Adelsberg M., Wu K., Zane S. Experimental Astronomy 36, 523-567 [DOI] [arXiv] XIPE: the X-ray imaging polarimetry explorer |
Szewczuk W., Walczak P., Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz J. Astrophysics & Space Science Proceedings 31, Poster No. 45, 1-2 (Proc. of 20th pulsation conference: Impact of New Instrumentation and New Insights, Granada, Hiszpania, 5-9 września 2011, eds. J.C.Suárez, R.Garrido, L.A.Balona, J.Christensen-Dalsgaard) [strona wydawcy] [arXiv] Constraints on model atmospheres from complex asteroseismology of the β Cephei stars |
Szewczuk W., Walczak P., Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz J. Astrophysics & Space Science Proceedings 31, Poster No. 46, 1-2 (Proc. of 20th pulsation conference: Impact of New Instrumentation and New Insights, Granada, Hiszpania, 5-9 września 2011, eds. J.C.Suárez, R.Garrido, L.A.Balona, J.Christensen-Dalsgaard) [strona wydawcy] [arXiv] Studying the hybrid pulsator 12 Lacertae: mode identification and complex seismic modelling |
Tomczak M. Urania - Postępy Astronomii 5/2013 (767), 6-8 [strona U-PA] Niezwykłe święto - stulecie prof. Antoniego Opolskiego |
Tomczak M. Central European Astrophysical Bulletin 37, 585-596 (Proc. XIIth Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium: The Sun and Heliosphere, Hvar, Chorwacja, 3-7 września 2012) [CDS] [arXiv] Two solar flares that became X-ray plasma ejections |
Ulusoy C., Niemczura E., Ulaş B, Gülmez T. New Astronomy 22, 51-56 [DOI] [arXiv] An asteroseismic study of the southern β Cephei star ALS 3721 |
Ulusoy C., Niemczura E., Ulaş B, Gülmez T. New Astronomy 23-24, 55-58 [DOI] [arXiv] New β Cephei variable in the southern open cluster NGC 6200: ALS 3728 |
Walczak P., Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz J., Pamyatnykh A.A., Zdravkov T. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 432, 822-831 [DOI] [arXiv] The hybrid B-type pulsator γ Pegasi: mode identification and complex seismic modelling |
Walczak P., Szewczuk W., Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz J. Astrophysics & Space Science Proceedings 31, 191-195 (Proc. of 20th pulsation conference: Impact of New Instrumentation and New Insights, Granada, Hiszpania, 5-9 września 2011, eds. J.C.Suárez, R.Garrido, L.A.Balona, J.Christensen-Dalsgaard) [DOI] [arXiv] Complex asteroseismology of the slowly pulsating B-type star HD 74560 |