Publikacje w roku 2020
ID | Autorzy — Źródło — Tytuł |
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Antonucci E., Romoli M., Andretta V., Fineschi S., Heinzel P., Moses J., Naletto G., Nicolini E., Spadaro S., Teriaca L., Berlicki A., Capobianco G., Giuseppe Crescenzio G., Da Deppo V., Focardi M., Frassetto F., Heerlein K., Landini F., Magli E., Malvezzi A.M., Massone G., Melich R., Nicolosi P., Noci G., Pancrazzi M., Pelizzo M.G., Poletto L., Sasso C., Schühle U., Solanki S.K., Strachan L., Susino R., Tondello G., Uslenghi M., Woch J., Abbo L., Bemporad A., Casti M., Dolei S., Grimani C., Messerotti M., Ricci M., Straus T., Telloni D., Zuppella P., Auchère F., Bruno R., Ciaravella A., Corso A.J., Copano M.A., Cuadrado R.A., D'Amicis R., Enge R., Gravina A., Jejčič S., Lamy P., Lanzafame A., Meierdierks T., Papagiannaki I., Peter H., Rico G.F., Sertsu M.G., Staub J., Tsinganos K., Velli M., Ventura R., Verroi E., Vial J.-C., Vives S., Volpicelli A., Werner S., Zerr A., Negri B., Castronuovo M., Gabrielli A., Bertacin R., Carpentiero R., Natalucci S., Marliani F., Cesa M., Laget P., Morea D., Pieraccini S., Radaelli P., Sandri P., Sarra S., Cesare S., Del Forno F., Massa E., Montabone M., Mottini S., Quattropani D., Schillaci T., Boccardo R., Brando R., Pandi A., Baietto C., Bertone R., Alvarez-Herrero A., Parejo P.G., Cebollero M., Amoruso M., Centonze V. Astronomy & Astrophysics 642 (The Solar Orbiter Mission), A10, 1-41 [DOI] Metis: the Solar Orbiter visible light and ultraviolet coronal imager |
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Aydi E., Sokolovsky K.V., Chomiuk L., Steinberg E., Li K.L., Vurm I., Metzger B.D., Strader J., Mukai K., Pejcha O., Shen K.J., Wade G.A., Kuschnig R., Moffat A.F.J., Pablo H., Pigulski A., Popowicz A., Weiss W., Zwintz K., Izzo L., Pollard K.R., Handler G., Ryder S.D., Filipović M.D., Alsaberi R.Z.E., Manojlović P., Lopes de Oliveira R., Walter F.M., Vallely P.J., Buckley D.A.H., Brown M.J.I., Harvey E.J., Kawash A., Kniazev A., Kochanek C.S., Linford J., Mikolajewska J., Molaro P., Orio M., Page K.L., Shappee B.J., Sokoloski J.L. Nature Astronomy 4, 776-780 [DOI] [arXiv] Direct evidence for shock-powered optical emission in a nova |
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Bąk-Stęślicka U., Gibson S.E., Stęślicki M. Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society 10, 169-171 (Proc. of the XXXIX Polish Astronomical Society Meeting, 9-12 września 2019, Olsztyn, eds. K. Małek, M. Polińska, A. Majczyna, G. Stachowski, R. Poleski, Ł. Wyrzykowski, A. Różańska) [strona PPAS] Temperature of a long-lived solar coronal cavity |
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Blackford M., Walker S., Budding E., Bolt G., Blane D., Bohlsen T., Moffat A., Pablo H., Pigulski A., Popowicz A., Wade G., Zwintz K. Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers 48, 1-7 [strona AAVSO] [arXiv] QZ Carinae - orbit of the two binary pairs |
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Borre C.C, Baade D., Pigulski A., Panoglou D., Weiss A., Rivinius Th., Handler G., Moffat A.F.J., Popowicz A., Wade G.A., Weiss W.W., Zwintz K. Astronomy & Astrophysics 635, A140, 1-12 [DOI] [arXiv] Short-term variability and mass loss in Be stars. V. Space photometry and ground-based spectroscopy of γ Cas |
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Borre C.C., Baade D., Pigulski A., Weiss A., Rivinius T, the BRITE Team Proceedings of the conference Stars and their variability, observed from space, str. 121-122, Wiedeń, Austria 19-23 sierpnia 2019, eds. C.Neiner, W.W.Weiss, D.Baade, R.E.Griffin, C.C.Lovekin, A.F.J.Moffat [strona konferencji] Long-term BRITE and SMEI space photometry of γ Cas (B0.5 IVe) |
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Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz J., Pamyatnykh A.A., Walczak P., Szewczuk W. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 499, 3034-3045 [DOI] [arXiv] Seismic analysis of the double-mode radial pulsator SX Phoenicis |
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Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz J., Walczak P., Pamyatnykh A., Szewczuk W. Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society 10, 136-141 (Proc. of the XXXIX Polish Astronomical Society Meeting, 9-12 września 2019, Olsztyn, eds. K. Małek, M. Polińska, A. Majczyna, G. Stachowski, R. Poleski, Ł. Wyrzykowski, A. Różańska) [strona PPAS] Testing stellar opacities using asteroseismology |
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Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz J., Walczak P., Pamyatnykh A., Szewczuk W., Dziembowski W. Proceedings of the conference Stars and their variability, observed from space, str. 81-85, Wiedeń, Austria 19-23 sierpnia 2019, eds. C.Neiner, W.W.Weiss, D.Baade, R.E.Griffin, C.C.Lovekin, A.F.J.Moffat [strona konferencji] [arXiv] Complex asteroseismology of SX Phoenicis |
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Evitts J.J., Froebrich D., Scholz A., Eislöffel J., Campbell-White J., Furnell W., Stecklum B., Urtly T., Pickard R., Wiersema K., A Dubovský P.A., Kudzej I., Naves R., Aimar M.M., García R.C., Vanmunster T., Schwendeman E., Soldán Alfaro F.C., Johnstone S., Farfán R.G., Killestein T., DelgadoCasal J., de la Cuesta F.G, Roberts D., Kolb U., Montoro L., Licchelli D., Perez A.E., Perez C.P., Deldem M., Futcher S.R.L., Nelson T., Dvorak S., Moździerski D., Quinn N., Kotysz K., Kowalska K., Mikołajczyk P., Fleming G., Phillips M., Vale T., Dubois F., Logie L., Rau S., Vanaverbeke S., Merrikin B., Mañanes E.F., Erdelyi E., Carballo J-L G., Martinez F.L., Long T.P., Delgado A.S.S., González J.L.S, Espasa L.T., Piehler G., Crumpton J., Billington S.J., D’Arcy E., Makin S.V., Dover L. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 493, 184-198 [DOI] [arXiv] A survey for variable young stars with small telescopes. II. Mapping a protoplanetary disc with stable structures at 0.15 au |
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Fineschi S., Naletto G., Romoli M., Da Deppo V., Antonucci E., Moses D., Malvezzi A.M., Nicolini G., Spadaro D., Teriaca L., Andretta V., Capobianco G., Crescenzio G., Focardi M., Frassetto F., Landini F., Massone G., Melich R., Nicolosi P., Pancrazzi M, Pelizzo M.G., Poletto L., Schühle U., Uslenghi M., Vives S., Solanki S.K., Heinzel P., Berlicki A., Cesare S., Morea D., Mottini S., Sandri P., Alvarez-Herrero A., Castronuovo M. Experimental Astronomy 49, 239-263 [DOI] Optical design of the multi-wavelength imaging coronagraph Metis for the solar orbiter mission |
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Fu J.-N., De Cat P., Zong W., Frasca A., Gray R.O., Ren A.-B., Molenda-Żakowicz J., Corbally C.J., Catanzaro G., Shi J.-R., Luo A.-L., Zhang H.-T. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 20, 167, 1-15 [DOI] [arXiv] Overview of the LAMOST-Kepler project |
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Guzik J.A., Jackiewicz J., Pigulski A., Catanzaro G., Soukup M.S., Gaulme P., Handler G., BRITE Team Proceedings for the 39th Annual Symposium of the Society for Astronomical Sciences, SAS/AAVSO-2020, Joint Meeting with the American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO), maj 2020, eds. R.K.Buchheim, R.M.Gill, W.Green, J.C.Martin, R.Stephens, [strona LANL] (Abstrakt w The Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers 48, 263) [strona JAAVSO] [arXiv] Data analysis of bright main-sequence A- and B-type stars observed using the TESS and BRITE spacecraft |
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Hubrig S. Jarvinen S.P., Korhonen H., Ilyin I., Scholler M., Niemczura E., Chojnowski S.D. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 495, L97-L101 [DOI] [arXiv] Detection of weak magnetic fields in two HgMn stars |
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Irrgang A., De Cat P., Pigulski A., Handler G., Tkachenko A., the BRITE Team Proceedings of the conference Stars and their variability, observed from space, str. 275-280, Wiedeń, Austria 19-23 sierpnia 2019, eds. C.Neiner, W.W.Weiss, D.Baade, R.E.Griffin, C.C.Lovekin, A.F.J.Moffat [strona konferencji] The slowly pulsating B-star 18 Peg: a testbed for upper main sequence stellar evolution |
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Jerzykiewicz M., Pigulski A., Handler G., Moffat A.J.F., Popowicz A., Wade G.A., Zwintz K., Pablo H. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496, 2391-2401 [DOI] [arXiv] BRITE-Constellation photometry of π5 Orionis, an ellipsoidal SPB variable |
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Jiang C., Bedding T.R., Stassun K.G., Veras D., Corsaro E., Buzasi D.L., Mikołajczyk P., Zhang Q.-S., Ou J.-W., Campante T.L., Rodrigues T.S., Nsamba B., Bossini D., Kane S.R., Joel Ong J.M., Yıldız M., Çelik Orhan Z., Örtel S., Wu T., Zhang X., Li T., Basu S., Cunha M.S., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Chaplin W.J. The Astrophysical Journal 896, 65, 1-10 [DOI] [arXiv] TESS asteroseismic analysis of the known exoplanet host star HD 222076 |
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Kahraman Aliçavuş F., Poretti E., Catanzaro G., Smalley B., Niemczura E., Rainer M., Handler G. Proceedings of the conference Stars and their variability, observed from space, str. 103-104, Wiedeń, Austria 19-23 sierpnia 2019, eds. C.Neiner, W.W.Weiss, D.Baade, R.E.Griffin, C.C.Lovekin, A.F.J.Moffat [strona konferencji] The existence of hot γ Doradus and A–F-type hybrid stars |
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Kahraman Aliçavuş F., Poretti E., Catanzaro G., Smalley B., Niemczura E., Rainer M., Handler G. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 493, 4518-4532 [DOI] [arXiv] Spectroscopy of hot γ Doradus and A–F hybrid Kepler candidates close to the hot border of the δ Scuti instability strip |
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Kępa A., Falewicz R., Siarkowski M., Pietras M. Astronomy & Astrophysics 642, A112 [DOI] [arXiv] RESIK and RHESSI observations of the 20 September 2002 flare |
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Kępa A., Sylwester B., Sylwester J., Mrozek T., Siarkowski M. Solar Physics 295, 22, 1-17 [DOI] [arXiv] A multiwavelength analysis of the long-duration flare observed on 15 April 2002 |
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Kołaczek-Szymański P. Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society 10, 52-54 (Proc. of the XXXIX Polish Astronomical Society Meeting, 9-12 września 2019, Olsztyn, eds. K. Małek, M. Polińska, A. Majczyna, G. Stachowski, R. Poleski, Ł. Wyrzykowski, A. Różańska) [strona PPAS] α and β Crucis as seen by BRITE and SMEI |
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Kotysz K. Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society 10, 180-182 (Proc. of the XXXIX Polish Astronomical Society Meeting, 9-12 września 2019, Olsztyn, eds. K. Małek, M. Polińska, A. Majczyna, G. Stachowski, R. Poleski, Ł. Wyrzykowski, A. Różańska) [strona PPAS] Variability of HADS stars in TESS |
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Krtička J., Mikulášek Z., Prvák M., Niemczura E., Leone F., Wade G. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 493, 2140-2148 [DOI] [arXiv] Distorted surfaces of magnetic helium-peculiar stars: an application to a Cen |
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Krucker S., Hurford G.J., Grimm O., Kögl S., Gröbelbauer H.-P., Etesi L., Casadei D., Csillaghy A., Benz A.O., Arnold N.G., Molendini F., Orleanski P., Schori D., Xiao H., Kuhar M., Hochmuth N., Felix S., Schramka F., Marcin S., Kobler S., Iseli L., Dreier M., Wiehl H.J., Kleint L., Battaglia M., Lastufka E., Sathiapal H., Lapadula K., Bednarzik M., Birrer G., Stutz St., Wild Ch., Marone F., Skup K.R., Cichocki A., Ber K., Rutkowski K., Bujwan W., Juchnikowski G., Winkler M., Darmetko M., Michalska M., Seweryn K., Białek A., Osica P., Sylwester J., Kowalinski M., Ścisłowski D., Siarkowski M., Stęślicki M., Mrozek T., Podgórski P., Meuris A., Limousin O., Gevin O., Le Mer I., Brun S., Strugarek A., Vilmer N., Musset S., Maksimović M., Fárník F., Kozáček Z., Kašparová J., Mann G., Önel H., Warmuth A., Rendtel J., Anderson J., Bauer S., Dionies F., Paschke J., Plüschke D., Woche M., Schuller F., Veronig A.M., Dickson E.C.M., Gallagher P.T., Maloney S.A., Bloomfield D.S., Piana M., Massone A.M., Benvenuto F., Massa P., Schwartz R.A., Dennis B.R., van Beek H.F., Rodríguez-Pacheco J., Lin R.P. Astronomy & Astrophysics 642 (The Solar Orbiter Mission), A15, 1-21 [DOI] The Spectrometer/Telescope for Imaging X-rays (STIX) |
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Marconi A., Abreu M., Adibekyan V., Aliverti M., Allende Prieto C., Amado P., Amate M., Artigau E., Augusto S., Barros S., Becerril S., Benneke B., Bergin E., Berio P., Bezawada N., Boisse I., Bonfils X., Bouchy F., Broeg C., Cabral A., Calvo-Ortega R., Canto Martins B.L., Chazelas B., Chiavassa A., Christensen L., Cirami R., Coretti I., Covino S., Cresci G., Cristiani S., Cunha Parro V., Cupani G., D'Odorico V., de Castro Leão I., de Medeiros J.R., de Souza M., Di Marcantonio P., Di Varano I., Doyon R., Drass H., Figueira P., Fragoso A., Fynbo J., Gallo E., Genoni M., González Hernández J., Gratton R., Haehnelt M., Hansen C., Hlavacek-Larrondo J., Hughes I., Huke P., Humphrey A., Kjeldsen H., Korn A., Kouach D., Landoni M., Liske J., Lovis C., Lunney D., Maiolino R., Malo L., Marquart T., Martins C.J.A.P., Maslowski P., Mason E., Micela G., Molaro P., Monnier J., Monteiro M., Mordasini C., Morris T., Mucciarelli A., Murray G., Niedzielski A., Niemczura E., Nisini B., Nunes N., Oliva E., Origlia L., Pallé E., Pariani G., Parr-Burman P., Pasquini L., Peñate J., Pepe F., Pietrzynski G., Pinna E., Piskunov N., Pollo A., Rasilla J., Rebolo R., Rees P., Reiners A., Riva M., Romano D., Rousseau S., Sanna N., Sarajlic M., Shen T.-C., Sortino F., Sosnowska D., Sousa S., Stempels E., Strassmeier K., Tenegi F., Tozzi A., Udry S., Valenziano L., Vanzi L., Weber M., Woche M., Xompero M., Zackrisson E., Zapatero Osorio M.R. Proc. SPIE Conference Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII, 14-18 grudnia 2020, eds. C.J.Evans, J.J.Bryant, K.Motohara, Vol. 11447, 1144726 [DOI] ELT-HIRES, the high resolution spectrograph for the ELT: the Phase A study and the path to construction |
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Mikołajczyk P., Pigulski A. Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society 10, 183-185 (Proc. of the XXXIX Polish Astronomical Society Meeting, 9-12 września 2019, Olsztyn, eds. K. Małek, M. Polińska, A. Majczyna, G. Stachowski, R. Poleski, Ł. Wyrzykowski, A. Różańska) [strona PPAS] Open clusters in TESS data |
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Mikulášek Z., Paunzen E., Hümmerich S., Niemczura E., Walczak P., Fraga L., Bernhard K., Janík J., Hubrig S., Järvinen S., Jagelka M., Pintado O.I., Krtička J., Prišegen M., Skarka M., Zejda M., Ilyin I., Pribulla T., Kamiński K., Kamińska M.K., Tokarek J., Zieliński P. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 498, 548-564 [DOI] Rotational modulation and single g-mode pulsation in the B9p Si star HD 174356? |
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Miszuda A., Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz J., Szewczuk W. Proceedings of the conference Stars and their variability, observed from space, str. 345-347, Wiedeń, Austria 19-23 sierpnia 2019, eds. C.Neiner, W.W.Weiss, D.Baade, R.E.Griffin, C.C.Lovekin, A.F.J.Moffat [strona konferencji] β-Cep pulsator in the eclipsing binary V381 Car: mode identification and seismic modelling |
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Miszuda A., Szewczuk W., Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz J. Proceedings of the conference Stars and their variability, observed from space, str. 349-350, Wiedeń, Austria 19-23 sierpnia 2019, eds. C.Neiner, W.W.Weiss, D.Baade, R.E.Griffin, C.C.Lovekin, A.F.J.Moffat [strona konferencji] KIC 10661783 − binary system with a δ Sct type component |
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Molenda-Żakowicz J, Kołomański S.. Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society 10, 355-360 (Proc. of the XXXIX Polish Astronomical Society Meeting, 9-12 września 2019, Olsztyn, eds. K. Małek, M. Polińska, A. Majczyna, G. Stachowski, R. Poleski, Ł. Wyrzykowski, A. Różańska) [strona PPAS] Who are today's astronomy students? |
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Monier R., Niemczura E., Kılıçoğlu T. Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society 4, 48 [DOI] The yttrium and mercury abundances of the bright HgMn star β Scl |
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Monier R., Niemczura E., Kılıçoğlu T. Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society 4, 234 [DOI] Evidence for twice-ionized praseodymium and neodymium in the upper atmosphere of HD 99803 A |
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Moździerski D., Pigulski A., Kołaczkowski Z., Michalska G., Kopacki G., Carrier F., Walczak P., Narwid A., Stęślicki M., Fu J.-N., Jiang X.-J., Zhang Ch., Jackiewicz J., Telting J., Morel T., Saesen S., Zahajkiewicz E., Bruś P., Śródka P., Vučković M., Verhoelst T., Van Helshoecht V., Lefever K., Gielen C., Decin L., Vanautgaerden J., Aerts C. Proceedings of the conference Stars and their variability, observed from space, str. 341-343, Wiedeń, Austria 19-23 sierpnia 2019, eds. C.Neiner, W.W.Weiss, D.Baade, R.E.Griffin, C.C.Lovekin, A.F.J.Moffat [strona konferencji] Results of the ensemble asteroseismology of B-type stars in open cluster NGC 6910 |
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Mrozek T., Kołomański S., Stęślicki M., Gronkiewicz D. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 249, 21, 1-8 [DOI] Catalog of solar failed eruptions and other dynamic features registered by SDO/AIA |
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Murphy S.J., Paunzen E., Bedding T.R., Walczak P., Huber D. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 495, 1888–1912 [DOI] [arXiv] The pulsation properties of λ Bootis stars. I. The southern TESS sample |
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Nazé Y., Pigulski A., Rauw G., Smith M.A. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 494, 958-974 [DOI] [arXiv] Let there be more variability in two γ Cas stars |
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Nazé Y., Rauw G., Pigulski A. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 498, 3171-3183 [DOI] [arXiv] TESS light curves of γ Cas stars |
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Oplištilová A., Harmanec P., Mayer P., Zasche P., Šlechta M., Pablo H., Pigulski A., BRITE Team Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso 50, 585-589 (Proceedings of the international conference Universe of Binaries, Binaries in the Universe, Telč, Czechy, 7-11 września 2019) [DOI] [strona CAOSP] Improved model of δ Orionis |
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Paunzen E., Niemczura E., Kołaczek-Szymański P.A., Hubrig S. Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso 50, 621-623 (Proceedings of the international conference Universe of Binaries, Binaries in the Universe, Telč, Czechy, 7-11 września 2019) [DOI] [strona CAOSP] The enigmatic highly peculiar binary system HD 66051 |
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Pieńkowski D., Gałan C., Tomov T., Gazeas K., Wychudzki P., Mikołajewski M., Kubicki D., Staels B., Zoła S., Pakońska P., Dębski B., Kundera T., Ogłoza W., Dróżdż M., Baran A., Winiarski M., Siwak M., Dimitrov D., Kjurkchieva D., Marchev D., Armiński A., Miller I., Kołaczkowski Z., Moździerski D., Zahajkiewicz E., Bruś P., Pigulski A., Smela T., Conseil E., Boyd D., Conidis G.J., Plauchu-Frayn I., Heras T.A., Kardasis E., Biskupski M., Kneip R., Hambálek L., Pribulla T., Kundra E., Garai Z., Rodriguez D., Kamiński T., Dubois F., Logie L., Capetillo Blanco A., Kankiewicz P., Świerczyński R., Martignoni M., Sergey I., Kare Trandem Qvam J., Semkov E., Ibryamov S., Peneva S., Gonzalez Carballo J.-L., Ribeiro J., Dean S., Apostolovska G., Donchev Z., Corp L., McDonald P., Rodriguez M., Sanchez A., Wiersema K., Menke J., Richardson N. Astronomy & Astrophysics 639, A23, 1-9 [DOI] [arXiv] International observational campaign of the 2014 eclipse of EE Cephei |
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Radziszewski K., Falewicz R., Rudawy P. The Astrophysical Journal 903, 28, 1-13 [DOI] [arXiv] The depth and the vertical extent of the energy deposition layer in a medium-class solar flare |
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Rudawy P. Urania - Postępy Astronomii 91 (5/2020), 16-26 [strona U-PA] Kto tu rządzi czyli... globalne ocieplenie z perspektywy astronoma |
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Strassmeier K.G., Granzer T., Weber M., Kuschnig R., Pigulski A., Popowicz A., Moffat A.F.J., Wade G.A., Zwintz K., Handler G. Astronomy & Astrophysics 644, A104, 1-20 [DOI] [arXiv] BRITE photometry and STELLA spectroscopy of bright stars in Auriga: Rotation, pulsation, orbits, and eclipses |
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Siarkowski, M., Mrozek, T., Sylwester, J., Litwicka, M., Dąbek, M. Open Astronomy 29, 220-230 [DOI] The non-Fourier image reconstruction method for the STIX instrument |
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Szegedi-Elek E., Ábrahám P., Wyrzykowski Ł., Kun M., Kóspál L., Marton G., Moór A., Kiss C., Pál A., Szabados L., Varga J., Varga-Verebélyi E., Andreas C., Bachelet E., Bischoff R., Bódi A., Breedt E., Burgaz U., Butterley T., Carrasco J.M., Čepas V., Damljanovic G., Gezer I., Godunova V., Gromadzki M., Gurgul A., Hardy L., Hildebrandt F., Hoffmann S., Hundertmark M., Ihanec N., Janulis R., Kalup Cs., Kaczmarek Z., Könyves-Tóth R., Krezinger M., Kruszyńska K., Littlefair S., Maskoliūnas M., Mészáros L., Mikołajczyk P., Mugrauer M., Netzel H., Ordasi A., Pakštienė E., Rybicki K.A., Sárneczky K., Seli B., Simon A., Šiškauskaitė K., Sódor Á., Sokolovsky K.V., Stenglein W., Street R., Szakáts R., Tomasella L., Tsapras Y., Vida K., Zdanavičius J., Zieliński M., Zieliński P., Ziółkowska O. The Astrophysical Journal 899, 130, 1-8 [DOI] [arXiv] Gaia 18dvy: a new FUor in the Cygnus OB3 association |
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Szewczuk W., Walczak P., Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz J. Proceedings of the conference Stars and their variability, observed from space, str. 271-274, Wiedeń, Austria 19-23 sierpnia 2019, eds. C.Neiner, W.W.Weiss, D.Baade, R.E.Griffin, C.C.Lovekin, A.F.J.Moffat [strona konferencji] KIC 11971405 − the SPB star with the four asymptotic sequences of g modes |
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Tomczak M., Kołomański S., Kotarba A.Z. Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society 10, 364-367 (Proc. of the XXXIX Polish Astronomical Society Meeting, 9-12 września 2019, Olsztyn, eds. K. Małek, M. Polińska, A. Majczyna, G. Stachowski, R. Poleski, Ł. Wyrzykowski, A. Różańska) [strona PPAS] Prospects of aurora-watching success in Poland |
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Wade G., Pigulski A., Begy S., Shultz M., Handler G., Sikora J., Neilson G., Cugier H., Erba C., Moffat A.F.J., Pablo H., Popowicz A., Weiss W., Zwintz K. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 492, 2762-2774 [DOI] [arXiv] Evolving pulsation of the slowly rotating magnetic β Cep star ξ1 CMa |
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Walczak P., Szewczuk W., Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz J. Proceedings of the conference Stars and their variability, observed from space, str. 479-480, Wiedeń, Austria 19-23 sierpnia 2019, eds. C.Neiner, W.W.Weiss, D.Baade, R.E.Griffin, C.C.Lovekin, A.F.J.Moffat [strona konferencji] Asteroseismic analysis of the SPB star HD 54967 observed by TESS |
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