Always under construction...

Here I present some nice pictures of different astrophysical 'extended' object,
like stellar clusters, galaxies (mostly with supernovae), nebulae etc.
All these pictures were taken in our observatory in Bialkow as part of our
normal scientific activities or just for fun. The people responsible for securing
most of the images are Andrzej Pigulski, Zbyszek Kolaczkowski, and I.

Most images were taken through the red filter. They were 'painted' with yellow-blue
palette of colours. However, these colours are false and do not reflect true hues of
the objects in the sky as seen with an unaided human eye.

All images taken in Bialkow show a field of 6x4 arcmin squared, that is very small
piece of the lunar disk, which has an angular diameter of 30 arcmin.
North is up, east to the left.


Here is page on 2004 XP14. (New!)

Galaxies with supernovae (they are indicated with short red stick)

Here is picture of SN2006bp in NGC3953. (New!)
Here is picture of SN2004dj in NGC2403.
Here is picture of SN2003gt in NGC6930.
Here is picture of SN2002cu in NGC6575.
Here is picture of SN2002cs in NGC6702.
Here is picture of SN2002bu in NGC4242.
Here is picture of SN2002bu in NGC4242.
Here is picture of SN2002bo in NGC3190.
Here is picture of SN2002ap in M74.
Here is picture of SN2001V in NGC3987.
Here is picture of SN2001bg in NGC2608.
Here is picture of SN2000ce in UGC4195.

Open clusters

Here is picture of IC1311.
Here is picture of NGC457 (first field).
Here is picture of NGC457 (second field).
Here is picture of NGC457 (third field).
Here is picture of NGC457 (fourth field).
Here is picture of NGC457 (fifth field).
Here is picture of NGC663 (the most northern field).
Here is picture of NGC663 (second field; few arcmin south).
Here is picture of NGC663 (third field; few arcmin south).
Here is picture of NGC663 (fourth field; few arcmin south).
Here is picture of NGC884, chi Per (central field).
Here is picture of NGC6823.
Here is picture of NGC6834.
Here is picture of NGC6834 (taken at the Korean BAO).
Here is picture of NGC6910 (central field).
Here is picture of NGC6913 (central field).
Here is picture of NGC6913 (second field; two arcmin north).
Here is picture of NGC7044.
Here is picture of NGC7419.
Here is picture of NGC7510.
Here is picture of Tr1.

Globular clusters

Here is picture of M3.
Here is picture of M13.
Here is picture of M53 (central field).
Here is picture of M53 (taken at the Suhora Observatory).
Here is picture of M56 (central field).
Here is picture of M56 (second field; few arcmin to the south-west).
Here is picture of M92 (central field).
Here is picture of M92 (second field; few arcmin to the north-east).
